PhD Thesis Defense
Heather L. Jones
Carnegie Mellon University

Using Planned View Trajectories to Build Good Models of Planetary Features under Transient Illumination

Event Location: GHC 2109Abstract: This research addresses the modeling of substantially 3D planetary terrain features, such as skylights, canyons, craters, rocks, and mesas, by a surface robot. The sun lights planetary features with transient, directional illumination. For concave features like skylight pits, craters, and canyons, this can lead to dark shadows. For all terrain features, [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Matthew Klingensmith
Carnegie Mellon University

Tracking and Calibrating Articulated Robots using SLAM Techniques

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Robots still struggle with everyday manipulation tasks. An overriding problem with robotic manipulation is uncertainty in the robot's state and calibration parameters. Small amounts of uncertainty can lead to complete task failure. This thesis explores ways of tracking and calibrating noisy robot arms using computer vision, with an aim toward making [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
David Ford Fouhey
Carnegie Mellon University

Factoring Scenes into 3D Structure and Style

Event Location: GHC 4405Abstract: Given a single image of a scene, humans have few issues answering questions about its 3D structure like “is this facing upwards?” even though mathematically speaking this should be impossible. We have similarly have few issues accounting for this 3D structure in answering viewpoint independent questions like ``is this the same [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Hatem Alismail
Carnegie Mellon University

Direct Pose Estimation and Refinement

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: We study a fundamental question in pose estimation from vision-only video data: should the pose of a camera be determined from fixed and known correspondences? Or should correspondences be simultaneously estimated alongside the pose? Determining pose from fixed correspondences is known as feature-based, where well-established tools from projective geometry are utilized [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Samantha Horvath
Carnegie Mellon University

The Optical Coherence Tomography Microsurgical Augmented Reality System (OCT-MARS): a novel device for microsurgeries

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: We describe the development and testing of the Optical Coherence Tomography Microsurgical Augmented Reality System (OCT-MARS). This system allows surgeons to view real-time medical image data as an in-situ overlay within the surgical field. There are a number of clinical applications for which real time, in situ visualization of otherwise transparent [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Heather Knight
Carnegie Mellon University

Expressive Motion for Low Degree-of-Freedom Robots

Event Location: GHC 4405Abstract: As social and collaborative robots move into everyday life, the need for algorithms enabling their acceptance becomes critical. People parse non-verbal communications intuitively, even from machines that do not look like people, thus, expressive motion is a natural and efficient way to communicate with people. This work presents a computational Expressive [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Christopher M. Dellin
Carnegie Mellon University

Completing Manipulation Tasks Efficiently in Complex Environments

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: An effective autonomous robot performing dangerous or menial tasks will need to act under significant time and energy constraints. At task time, the amount of effort a robot spends planning its motion directly detracts from its total performance. Manipulation tasks, however, present challenges to efficient motion planning. Tightly coupled steps (e.g. [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Michael C. Koval
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Manipulation via Contact Sensing

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: Humans effortlessly manipulate objects in cluttered and uncertain environments. In contrast, most robotic manipulators are limited to carefully engineered environments to circumvent the difficulty of manipulation under uncertainty. Contact sensors can provide robots with with the feedback vital to addressing this limitation. This thesis proposes a framework for using feedback from [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Samantha Horvath
Carnegie Mellon University

The Optical Coherence Tomography Microsurgical Augmented Reality System (OCT-MARS): a novel device for microsurgeries

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: We describe the development and testing of the Optical Coherence Tomography Microsurgical Augmented Reality System (OCT-MARS). This system allows surgeons to view real-time medical image data as an in-situ overlay within the surgical field. There are a number of clinical applications for which real time, in situ visualization of otherwise transparent [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Jennifer King
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Rearrangement Planning using Nonprehensile Interaction

Event Location: GHC 6501Abstract: As we work to move robots out of factories and into human environments, we must empower robots to interact freely in unstructured, cluttered spaces. Humans do this easily, using diverse, whole-arm, nonprehensile actions such as pushing or pulling in everyday tasks. These interaction strategies make difficult tasks easier and impossible tasks [...]