PhD Thesis Defense
Towards a Universal Data Engine for Robotics and Beyond
Abstract: Robotics researchers have been attempting to extend data-driven breakthroughs in fields like computer vision and language processing into robot learning. However, unlike vision or language domains where massive amounts of data is readily available on the internet, training robotic policies relies on physical and interactive data collected via interacting with the physical world -- [...]
Robust Reinforcement Learning for Safety Critical Applications via Curricular Learning
Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) presents great promises for autonomous agents. However, when using robots in a safety critical domain, a system has to be robust enough to be deployed in real life. For example, the robot should be able to perform across different scenarios it will encounter. The robot should avoid entering undesirable and irreversible [...]
Communication-Efficient Active Reconstruction using Self-Organizing Gaussian Mixture Models
Abstract: For the multi-robot active reconstruction task, this thesis proposes using Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) as the map representation that enables multiple downstream tasks: high-fidelity static scene reconstruction, communication-efficient map sharing, and safe informative planning. A new method called Self-Organizing Gaussian mixture modeling (SOGMM) is proposed that estimates the model complexity (i.e., number of Gaussian [...]