PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Object Representations for Robot Manipulation

Abstract: As robots become more common in our daily lives, they will need to interact with many different environments and countless types of objects. While we, as humans, can easily understand an object after seeing it only once, this task is not trivial for robots. Researchers have, for the most part, been left with two [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Visual Representation and Recognition without Human Supervision

Abstract: Visual recognition models have seen great advancements by relying on large-scale, carefully curated datasets with human annotations. Most computer vision models leverage human supervision to either construct strong initial representations (e.g. using the ImageNet dataset) or for modeling the visual concepts relevant for downstream tasks (e.g. MS-COCO for object detection). In this thesis, we [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Heuristic Search Based Planning by Minimizing Anticipated Search Efforts

Abstract: Robot planning problems in dynamic environments, such as navigation among pedestrians, driving at high-speed on densely populated roads, and manipulation for collaborative tasks alongside humans, necessitate efficient planning. Bounded-suboptimal heuristic search algorithms are a popular alternative to optimal heuristic search algorithms that compromise solution quality for computation speed. Specifically, these searches aim to find [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Liquid Metal Actuators

Abstract: Bioinspired robotic actuators arise from the advances in soft materials and activation methods to achieve desired performance. Because of their intrinsic compliance, actuators built from soft materials and liquids can achieve elastic resilience and adaptability similar to their biological counterparts. Liquid metals provide great opportunities for creating an artificial muscle that generates forces at [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Self-Learning of Structured Visual Representations

Abstract: Most computer vision models in deployment today are not learning. Instead, they are in a "test" mode, where they will behave the same way perpetually, until they are replaced by newer models. This is a problem, because it means the models may perform poorly as soon as their "test" environment becomes different from their [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Resource-Constrained Learning and Inference for Visual Perception

Abstract: Real-world applications usually require computer vision algorithms to meet certain resource constraints. In this talk, I will present evaluation methods and principled solutions for both training and testing. First, I will talk about a formal setting for studying training under the non-asymptotic, resource-constrained regime, i.e., budgeted training. We analyze the following problem: "given a [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Social Navigation with Pedestrian Groups

Abstract: Autonomous navigation in human crowds (i.e., social navigation) presents several challenges: The robot often needs to rely on its noisy sensors to identify and localize the pedestrians in human crowds; The robot needs plan efficient paths to reach its goals; The robot needs to do so in a safe and socially appropriate manner. In [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Control of Robots with Nonstationary Dynamics

Abstract: Robots can be constructed with fewer resources and less strict constraints than is generally believed. Soft robots can be constructed with very few parts and from a wide variety of materials. This makes them a potentially appealing choice for applications where there are resource constraints on system fabrication. However, soft robot dynamics are difficult [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Meshlet Primitives for Dense RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments

Abstract: Dense RGB-D SLAM has been well established as a method for achieving robust localization while providing high quality dense surface reconstruction. However, despite significant progress, dense RGB-D SLAM has remained difficult to achieve on computationally constrained platforms, such as those used on autonomous aerial vehicles. A significant limiting factor in the current state of [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Postdoctoral Fellow
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Computational Light Transport with Interferometry

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Optical interferometry is the measurement of small, sub-wavelength distances by exploiting the wave nature of light. Due to its capability to resolve micron-scale displacements, it has found widespread applications in biomedical imaging, industrial fabrication, physics, and astrophysics. In this thesis, we introduce a set of techniques we call computational interferometry, that bring the benefits [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

3D Reconstruction using Differential Imaging

Abstract: 3D reconstruction has been at the core of many computer vision applications, including autonomous driving, visual inspection in manufacturing, and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). Despite the tremendous progress made over the years, there remain challenging open-research problems. This thesis addresses three such problems in 3D reconstruction. First, we address the problem of defocus [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Beyond rigid objects: Data-driven Methods for Manipulation of Deformable Objects

Abstract: Manipulation of deformable objects challenges common assumptions made for rigid objects. Deformable objects have high intrinsic state representation and complex dynamics with high degrees of freedom, making it difficult for state estimation and planning. The completed work can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we explore reinforcement learning (RL) as a [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Simulation, Perception, and Generation of Human Behavior

Abstract: Understanding and modeling human behavior is fundamental to almost any computer vision and robotics applications that involve humans. In this thesis, we take a holistic approach to human behavior modeling and tackle its three essential aspects --- simulation, perception, and generation. Throughout this thesis, we show how the three aspects are deeply connected and [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Structured Learning for Robust Robot Manipulation

NSH 4305

Abstract: Robust and generalizable robots that can autonomously manipulate objects in semi-structured environments can bring material benefits to society. Data-driven learning approaches are crucial for enabling such systems by identifying and exploiting patterns in semi-structured environments, allowing robots to adapt to novel scenarios with minimal human supervision. However, despite significant prior work in learning for [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Simulation-based Planning for Pick-and-Place in Heavy Clutter using Non-prehensile Manipulation

NSH 3305

Abstract: Robot manipulation in domestic households, industrial manufacturing and warehouses might require contact-rich interactions with objects in the environment. For pick-and-place style grasping tasks in cluttered scenes, it can be more economical for the robot to rely on non-prehensile actions vis-à-vis deliberate prehensile rearrangement. Non-prehensile actions also let the robot manipulate large and bulky objects [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning with Diverse Forms of Imperfect and Indirect Supervision

Abstract: High capacity Machine Learning (ML) models trained on large, annotated datasets have driven impressive advances in several fields including natural language processing and computer vision, in turn leading to impactful applications of ML in areas such as healthcare, e-commerce, and predictive maintenance. However, obtaining annotated datasets at the scale required for training such models [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

3D Representation Learning for Perception and Prediction: A Modular Yet Highly Integrated Approach

Abstract: Modularized and cascaded autonomy stacks (object detection, then tracking and then trajectory prediction) have been widely adopted in many autonomous systems such as self-driving cars due to its interpretability. In this talk, I advocate the use of such a modular approach but improve its accuracy and robustness by developing different 3D representations for each [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Understanding Unbalanced Datasets Through Simple Models and Dataset Exploration

GHC 4405

Abstract: Computer vision models have proven to be tremendously capable of recognizing and detecting several classes and objects. They succeed in classes widely ranging in type and scale from humans to cans to pens. However, the best performing classes have abundant examples in large-scale datasets today. In unbalanced datasets, where some categories are seen in [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Self-Supervising Occlusions for Vision

Abstract: Virtually every scene has occlusions. Even a scene with a single object exhibits self-occlusions - a camera can only view one side of an object (left or right, front or back), or part of the object is outside the field of view. More complex occlusions occur when one or more objects block part(s) of [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Massively Parallelized Lazy Planning Algorithms

GHC 4405

Abstract: Search-based planning algorithms enable autonomous agents like robots to come up with well-reasoned long horizon plans to achieve a given task objective. They do so by optimizing a task-specific cost function while respecting the constraints on either the agent (e.g. motion constraints) or the environment (e.g. obstacles). In robotics, such as in motion planning [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Run-Time Optimization in the Deep Learning Age

Abstract: In a recovery task one seeks to obtain an estimate of an unknown signal from a set of incomplete measurements. These problems arise in a number of computer vision applications, from image based tasks such as super-resolution and in-painting to 3D reconstruction tasks such as Non-Rigid Structure from Motion and scene flow estimation. Early [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

System Identification and Control of Multiagent Systems Through Interactions

GHC 6501

Abstract: This thesis investigates the problem of identifying dynamics models of individual agents of a multiagent system (MAS) and exploiting these models to shape their behavior using robots extrinsic to the MAS. While task-based control of a MAS using onboard controllers of its agents is well studied, we investigate (a) how easy it is for [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Driving Reconfigurable Unmanned Vehicle Design for Mobility Performance

Abstract: Unmanned ground vehicles are being deployed in increasingly diverse and complex environments. Advances in the field of robotics, including perception technology, computing power, and machine learning, have brought robots from the lab to the real world. Remote and autonomous vehicles are now used to explore volcanoes, caves, pipes, war zones, disaster sites, and even [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Large-scale and Long-term Neural Map Representations

Abstract: We address the problem of large-scale and long-term neural map representations. Maps, as our prior understanding toward the environment, provide valuable information for modern robotics applications such as autonomous driving and AR/VR. The size of maps largely affects the end task performance: usually a more detailed map can support better performance, but would cost [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Manipulating Objects with Challenging Visual and Geometric Properties

GHC 6501

Abstract: Object manipulation is a well-studied domain in robotics, yet manipulation remains difficult for objects with visually and geometrically challenging properties. Visually challenging properties, such as transparency and specularity, break assumptions of Lambertian reflectance that existing methods rely on for grasp estimation. On the other hand, deformable objects such as cloth pose both visual and [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Large Scale Dense 3D Reconstruction via Sparse Representations

Abstract: Scene reconstruction systems take in (3D) videos as input, and output 3D models with associated poses for inputs. With the demand of 3D content generation, the technique has been drastically evolving in recent years. For professionals equipped with depth sensors, efficient dense reconstruction systems have become available to efficiently recover scene geometry. For ordinary [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Teaching Agent Reward Functions via Demonstrations for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning

NSH 4305

Abstract: For intelligent agents (e.g. robots) to be seamlessly integrated into human society, humans must be able to understand their decision making. For example, the decision making of autonomous cars must be clear to the engineers certifying their safety, passengers riding them, and nearby drivers negotiating the road simultaneously. As an agent's decision making can [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Policy Decomposition: Approximate Optimal Control with Suboptimality Estimates

NSH 3305

Abstract: Optimal Control is a formulation for designing controllers for dynamical systems by posing it as an optimization problem, whereby the desired long-term behavior of the system is expressed using a cost function. The objective is to compute a policy, i.e. a mapping from the state of the system to its control inputs, that minimizes [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Audience-Aware Legibility for Social Navigation

Abstract: Robots often need to communicate their goals to humans when navigating in a shared space to assist observers in anticipating the robot’s future actions. These human observers are often scattered throughout the environment, and each observer only has a partial view of the robot and its movements. A path that non-verbally communicates with multiple [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

On Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Nuclear Fusion

NSH 4305

Abstract: In many practical applications of reinforcement learning (RL), it is expensive to observe state transitions from the environment. For example, in the problem of plasma control for nuclear fusion, determining the next state for a given state-action pair requires querying an expensive transition function which can lead to many hours of computer simulation or [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards reconstructing non-rigidity from single camera

Abstract: In this proposal, we study how to infer 3D from images captured by a single camera, without assuming the target scenes / objects being static. The non-static setting makes our problem ill-posed and challenging to solve, but is vital in practical applications where target-of-interest is non-static. To solve ill-posed problems, the current trend in [...]