PhD Thesis Proposal
Informative Path Planning Toward Autonomous Real-World Applications
Abstract: Gathering information from the physical world plays a crucial role in many applications—whether it be scientific research, environmental monitoring, search and rescue, defense, or disaster response. The utilization of robots for information gathering allows for the leveraging of intelligent algorithms to efficiently collect data, providing critical insights and facilitating informed decision-making. These autonomous robots [...]
Efficient Sensor Coverage in Complex Environments
Abstract: This thesis develops sensor coverage algorithms for mobile robots that are scalable to large and complex environments. The core challenge is computing the shortest paths that can direct one or more robots to sweep onboard sensors over all accessible surfaces within an environment. This problem resembles the watchman route problem that is known to [...]
Combining Physics-Based Light Transport and Neural Fields for Robust Inverse Rendering
Abstract: Inverse rendering — the process of recovering shape, material, and/or lighting of an object or environment from a set of images — is essential for applications in robotics and elsewhere, from AR/VR to perception on self-driving vehicles. While it is possible to perform inverse rendering from color images alone, it is often far easier [...]
Robotic Climbing for Extreme Terrain Exploration
Abstract: Climbing robots can operate in steep and unstructured environments that are inaccessible to other ground robots, with applications ranging from the inspection of artificial structures on Earth to the exploration of natural terrain features throughout the solar system. Climbing robots for planetary exploration face many challenges to deployment, including mass restrictions, irregular surface features, [...]
Exploration for Continually Improving Robots
Abstract: General purpose robots should be able to perform arbitrary manipulation tasks, and get better at performing new ones as they obtain more experience. The current paradigm in robot learning involves imitation or simulation. Scaling these approaches to learn from more data for various tasks is bottle-necked by human labor required either in collecting demonstrations [...]
Deep 3D Geometric Reasoning for Robot Manipulation
Abstract: To solve general manipulation tasks in real-world environments, robots must be able to perceive and condition their manipulation policies on the 3D world. These agents will need to understand various common-sense spatial/geometric concepts about manipulation tasks: that local geometry can suggest potential manipulation strategies, that policies should be invariant across choice of reference frame, [...]
Towards diverse zero-shot manipulation via actualizing visual plans
Abstract: In this thesis, we seek to learn a generalizable goal-conditioned policy that enables zero-shot robot manipulation — interacting with unseen objects in novel scenes without test-time adaptation. Robots that can be reliably deployed out-of-the-box in new scenarios have the potential for helping humans in everyday tasks. Not requiring any test-time training through demonstrations or [...]
Deep Learning for Sensors: Development to Deployment
Abstract: Robots rely heavily on sensing to reason about physical interactions, and recent advancements in rapid prototyping, MEMS sensing, and machine learning have led to a plethora of sensing alternatives. However, few of these sensors have gained widespread use among roboticists. This thesis proposes a framework for incorporating sensors into a robot learning paradigm, from [...]
Towards Influence-Aware Safe Human-Robot Interaction
Abstract: In recent years, we have seen through recommender systems on social media how influential (and potentially harmful) algorithms can be in our lives, sometimes creating polarization and conspiracies that lead to unsafe behavior. Now that robots are also growing more common in the real world, we must be very careful to ensure that they [...]
Design Principles for Robotics Systems that Support Human-Human Collaborative Learning
Abstract: Robots possess unique affordances granted by combining software and hardware. Most existing research focuses on the impact of these affordances on human-robot collaboration, but the theory of how robots can facilitate human-human collaboration is underdeveloped. Such theory would be beneficial in education. An educational device can afford collaboration in both assembly and use. This [...]