PhD Thesis Proposal
Mark Desnoyer
Carnegie Mellon University

Assessing the Impact of Visual Utility Based Camera Control

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Complex visual tasks often require high resolution imagery of specific phenomena but run too slowly to process large fields of view. In this thesis, we explore a general technique for camera control designed to maximize the high resolution imagery captured that is useful to the given task while minimizing excess imagery [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Eakta Jain
Carnegie Mellon University

Attention-guided Augmentation of Animations, Stills, and Videos

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Artists who work with visual media consider what a viewer will look at, how their attention will flow across the scene. They understand that attention is a limited resource and train themselves to use this resource well. In this thesis, our key insight is that algorithms to digitally manipulate artist-created visual [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Krzysztof (Chris) Skonieczny
Carnegie Mellon University

Lightweight Robotic Excavation
Subtitle: The advantageous scaling of continuous excavator configurations, high payload ratio, and high driving speed

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: Excavating regolith, or loose soil, on the Moon and Mars enables outposts, fuel depots, and sustained space exploration. In space missions mass is always at a premium because it is the main driver behind launch costs. Low mass, especially when combined with reduced gravity, results in machines with limited weight available [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Mehmet R. Dogar
Carnegie Mellon University

A Framework for Manipulation in Cluttered Environments

Event Location: GHC 8102Abstract: We want our robots to work in human environments. However, human environments are cluttered and clutter creates problems for robotic manipulation. We propose to develop a framework for manipulation in highly cluttered environments. We propose to rearrange the environment using prehensile and non-prehensile actions. We present our preliminary work, a framework [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Daniel Munoz
Carnegie Mellon University

Inference Machines: Parsing Scenes via Iterated Predictions

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: Semantic understanding of the environment is critical for many robotic tasks such as path planning, mapping, and object tracking. While important progress has been made, extracting a rich representation of the environment remains a challenging problem. This process includes not only recognizing individual objects but also understanding the contextual relations among [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Michael Dille
Carnegie Mellon University

Search and Pursuit of Non-cooperative Targets with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Event Location: NSH 1109Abstract: Across many rescue, surveillance, and scientific applications, there exists a broad need to perform wide-area reconnaissance and terrain surveys, for which unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly popular. This thesis considers the task of using one or more UAVs to locate an object of interest, provide continuous viewing, and rapidly re-acquire [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Somchaya Liemhetcharat
Carnegie Mellon University

Representation, Planning, and Learning of Dynamic Ad Hoc Robot Teams

Event Location: GHC 8102Abstract: Task allocation involves the division of tasks among a team of robots, such that each robot is responsible for a subset of the tasks. Similarly, in role assignment, roles are typically defined to be performed by a single robot whose performance is independent of the composition of its team. Complex tasks, [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Matthew Tesch
Carnegie Mellon University

Improving Robot Locomotion and Situational Awareness through Learning Methods for Expensive Black-Box Systems

Event Location: GHC 6501Abstract: The modular snake robots in Howie Choset’s lab provide an intriguing platform for research: they have already been shown to excel at a variety of locomotive tasks and have incredible potential for navigating complex terrains, but much of that potential remains untapped. Unfortunately, many techniques that are commonly used in robotics [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Stéphane Ross
Carnegie Mellon University

No-Regret Methods for Learning Sequential Predictions

Event Location: GHC 8102Abstract: Sequential prediction problems arise commonly in many areas of robotics and information processing. For instance, in robot navigation tasks, autonomous robots rely on the ability to make a sequence of actions, given a sequence of observations revealed to them over time, in order to reach the desired goal location. Similarly, complex [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Seungil Huh
Carnegie Mellon University

Cellular Event Detection in Time-lapse Live Cell Microscopy Images

Event Location: NSH 3002Abstract: Computer vision analysis of live cells in time-lapse microscopy images enables long-term continuous monitoring of a large number of intact cells with minimal human intervention, which has not been feasible by existing image processing methods with cellular staining images. Of critical importance in time-lapse microscopy image analysis is to understand the [...]