PhD Thesis Proposal
Active Vision for Manipulation
Abstract: Decades of research on computer vision has highlighted the importance of active sensing -- where the agent actively controls parameters of the sensor to improve perception. Research on active perception the context of robotic manipulation has demonstrated many novel and robust sensing strategies involving a multitude of sensors like RGB and RGBD cameras, a [...]
Design Iteration of Dexterous Compliant Robotic Manipulators
Abstract: One goal of personal robotics is to have robots in homes performing everyday tasks efficiently to improve our quality of life. Towards this end, manipulators are needed which are low cost, safe around humans, and approach human-level dexterity. However, existing off-the-shelf manipulators are expensive both in cost and manufacturing time, difficult to repair, and [...]
Whisker Sensors for Unstructured Environments
Abstract: As robot applications expand from controllable factory settings to unknown environments, the robots will need a larger breadth of sensors to perceive these complex environments. In this thesis, I focus on developing whisker sensors for robot perception. The inspiration for whisker sensors comes from the biological world, where whiskers serve as tactile and flow [...]
Sparse-view 3D in the Wild
Abstract: Reconstructing 3D scenes and objects from images alone has been a long-standing goal in computer vision. We have seen tremendous progress in recent years, capable of producing near photo-realistic renderings from any viewpoint. However, existing approaches generally rely on a large number of input images (typically 50-100) in order to compute camera poses and [...]
Spectral Mapping using Simple Sensors for Micro-Explorers
Abstract: Spectral mapping is an essential task in exploration as it expands our understanding of material composition in an explored region. Although imaging spectrometers are ideal for obtaining spectra to construct spectral maps, their large size, high power consumption, and operational complexity make them impractical for small rovers and limited missions. In contrast, RGB cameras [...]
Simulation-driven vision-based tactile sensor design using Physics Based Rendering
Abstract: Touch is an essential sensing modality for making autonomous robots more dexterous and works collaboratively with humans. With the advent of vision-based tactile sensors, roboticists have tried to incorporate tactile sensors in various robot structures for various robotic manipulation tasks to increase robustness, precision, and reliability. However, the design of vision-based tactile sensors is [...]
Efficient Interactive Learning with Unobserved Confounders
Abstract: Interactive learning systems like self-driving cars, recommender systems, and large language model chatbots are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in everyday life. From a machine learning perspective, the key technical challenge underlying such systems is that rather than simple prediction on i.i.d. data, an interactive learner influences the distribution of inputs it sees via the choices [...]
Learning to Manipulate Using Diverse Datasets
Abstract: Manipulation is a key challenge in the robotic fields that impedes the deployment of robots in real-world scenarios. While notable advancements have been made in solving high/mid level planning problems, such as decomposing tasks (e.g. "bring me a bottle") into primitives (e.g. "pick up bottle"), the acquisition of fundamental manipulation primitives remains a difficult [...]
Unified Control for Over and Fully-Actuated Aerial Vehicles
Abstract: The growing domain of aerial robotics necessitates advancements in the control strategies and robustness of over-actuated and fully-actuated aerial vehicles. This thesis proposal makes contributions to this endeavor by providing in-depth analysis and methodologies concerning these vehicles, control allocation strategies during actuator failures, high-fidelity simulations, and a unified control framework. Our completed work has [...]
Personalized Context-aware Affective Nonverbal Robot Feedback
Abstract: We first consider the problem of estimating context, specifically key features of the human state. We predict engagement-related events in an educational activity before the end of that activity, which could allow the robot to provide feedback early enough to improve the human's experience. We then explore generating nonverbal affective robot behavior by correlating [...]