Creative Tools: In Press, In Submission, and In Progress
Abstract: It's been a while since I've had a chance to show the rest of the RI what I and my various collaborators have been working on. So this talk will be an informal and rapid-fire tour through some of the freshest results from my lab, including work that is in press, in submission, and in [...]
Unfamiliar Intelligence: Art, AI, and Robots
Abstract: Shortly after the 1918 pandemic, the word "robot" was coined in a play about mechanical workers organizing a rebellion to defeat their human overlords. A century later, emerging advances in Artificial Intelligence and robotics, fueled by venture capital and governments, are disrupting labor, trade, and political stability. Claims about “superintelligence” and existential threats to [...]
RI Seminar with Nima Fazeli
RI Seminar with Nikolay Atanasov
Physical Intelligence and Cognitive Biases Toward AI
Abstract: When will robots be able to clean my house, dishes, and take care of laundry? While we source labor primarily from automated machines in factories, the penetration of physical robots in our daily lives has been slow. What are the challenges in realizing these intelligent machines capable of human level skill? Isn’t AI advanced [...]
RI Seminar with Charlie Kemp
Robotics Institute Picnic
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for the 2025 Robotics Institute Picnic! More information and RSVP e-vite to follow as we get closer to the event.