PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning under Uncertainty with Multiple Heuristics

GHC 6115

Abstract: Many robotic tasks, such as mobile manipulation, often require interaction with unstructured environments and are subject to imperfect sensing and actuation. This brings substantial uncertainty into the problems. Reasoning under this uncertainty can provide higher level of robustness but is computationally significantly more challenging. More specifically, sequential decision making under motion and sensing uncertainty [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Rawal Khirodkar – MSR Thesis Talk

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Title: Leveraging Simulation for Computer Vision   Abstract: A large amount of labeled data is required to train deep neural networks. The process of data annotation on such a large scale is expensive and time-consuming. A promising alternative in this regard is to use simulation to generate labeled synthetic data. However, a network trained solely [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Dexterous Manipulation via Simple Robot Hands

GHC 8102

Abstract: Most of the industrial robotic applications nowadays can only deal with pick-and-place manipulation, in which fixed graspings are the only interactions between the object and the robot hand. Simple hands, such as pinch grippers and suction cups, suffice to accomplish such tasks. However, there exist many unsolved automation problems where more dexterous manipulations are [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Maximilian Sieb – MSR Thesis Talk

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Title: Visual Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation   Abstract:   Imitation learning has been successfully applied to solve a variety of tasks in complex domains where an explicit reward function is not available. However, most imitation learning methods require access to the robot's actions during demonstration. This stands in a stark contrast to how we [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Enabling Role-Reversible Human-Robot Interaction by Leveraging Standardized Tools for Provider-Receiver Interactions

NSH 3305

Abstract: Developing 'social intelligence' for assistive robots to seamlessly interact with humans remains an open research challenge. However, socially assistive robots typically engage in types of interactions that already exist between humans, which makes models of human-human interactions useful to inform the design of robot social behaviors. In particular, in applications such as healthcare, therapy [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Nikhil Jog – MSR Thesis Talk

Title: Highly Miniaturized Robots for Inspection of Small Nuclear Piping   Abstract: Bomb making in the 20th century resulted in the creation of massive facilities to produce Uranium. As part of a multi-billion-dollar agenda, the measurement of radioactivity is required for the safe disposal of residual Uranium in piping. Manual techniques have proven too approximate, [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Contrastive View Predictive Learning with 3D-Bottlenecked RNNs

GHC 6115

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe our recent work on neural architectures for visual recognition, which use 3D not as input nor as the desired output space, but rather as the bottleneck of the learned representations. We consider embodied agents moving in otherwise static worlds equipped with these architectures; they learn 3D visual feature [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Chao Cao – MSR Thesis Talk

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Title: Topological Path Planning for Mobile Robot Applications   Abstract: Many path planning problems in mobile robot applications can be solved more efficiently in the topological space. By using the language of topology, the richer spatial information failed to captured by graph/grid-based map representations can be explicitly expressed and exploited. With that, it is possible [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Tao Chen

NSH 1109

Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning with Prior Knowledge   Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has been applied to many domains from computer games, natural language processing, recommendation systems to robotics.  While model-free reinforcement learning algorithms are promising approaches to learning policies without knowledge of the system dynamics, they usually require much more data. In this thesis, we [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Understanding and Mitigating Biases

NSH 3305

Abstract: There are many problems in real life that involve collecting and aggregating evaluation from people, such as conference peer review and peer grading. In this thesis, we consider multiple sources of biases that may arise in this process: (1) human bias -- the data collected from people are noisy and reflect people's calibration criteria [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Toward Intent Recognition through Nonverbal Behaviors in Assistive Co-Manipulation

NSH 1109

Abstract: Robots are becoming more versatile, increasing the available opportunities to use them in situations that aid people in everyday tasks. For example, recent research has investigated robot manipulators for assisting people with motor impairments in activities of daily living such as eating a meal. To form successful collaborations in these interactions, researchers need to [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Anqi Yang – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: 3D Object Detection from CT Scans using a Slice-and-fuse Approach   Abstract: Automatic object detection in 3D X-ray Computed Tomography imagery has recently gained research attention due to its promising applications in aviation baggage screening. The huge dimension of an individual 3D scan, however, poses formidable computational challenges when coupled with deep 3D convolutional [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Tian Ye – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model   Abstract: Humans have a remarkable ability to use physical commonsense and predict the effect of collisions. But do they understand the underlying factors? Can they predict if the underlying factors have changed? Interestingly, in most cases humans can predict the effects of similar collisions with different conditions such as changes [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Rotational Distributions for Pose Estimation

NSH 4305

Abstract: For robots to operate robustly in the real world, they should be aware of their uncertainty, particularly when estimating the position and orientation, or pose, of objects. This uncertainty can be caused by many factors, such as occlusions, poor lighting, or object symmetry. These factors can naturally induce an inherent ambiguity in terms of [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Hunter Goforth – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Learning for Registration in 2D and 3D   Abstract: We explore the application of deep learning to 2D (image) and 3D (point cloud) registration, especially in scenarios where traditional methods can fail.   In the 2D case, we apply a recently-proposed learning method to the problem of aligning outdoor imagery taken across different seasons or [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Manipulation Planning using Pushing or Pulling Primitives

NSH 3305

Abstract: Humans manipulate objects using a wide range of actions, such as grasping, pushing, pulling, in-hand rolling, and more. This observation has lead to much research about modeling and learning individual manipulation actions. To better understand the impact of action models on planning and executing manipulation actions, we applied manipulation planning with pushing and pulling [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Cedric Scheerlinck
PhD Student
Australian National University

Event Cameras: Image Reconstruction, Convolutions and Color

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Abstract: Event cameras are novel, bio-inspired visual sensors, whose pixels output asynchronous and independent timestamped spikes at local intensity changes, called ‘events’. Event cameras offer advantages over conventional frame-based cameras in terms of latency, high dynamic range (HDR) and temporal resolution. Event cameras do not output conventional image frames, thus, image reconstruction from events enables [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Yeeho Song – MSR Thesis Talk

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Title: Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Ground Navigation Using Aerial and Satellite Observation Data   Abstract: Inverse Reinforcement Learning(IRL) is a supervised learning paradigm where a learner observes expert demonstrations to learn the hidden cost function to mimic the expert's behavior. Eliminating the need for elaborate feature engineering, deep IRL approaches have been gaining interests [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Sierra Young
Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University

From Farm to Takeoff: Ground and Aerial Robots for Biological Systems Analysis

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Biological and agricultural environments are dynamic, unstructured, and uncertain, posing challenges for environmental data collection at the necessary spatial and temporal scales to enable meaningful systems analysis. Small unmanned systems, however, can overcome some of these challenges by enabling autonomous or human-assisted image-based and in situ environmental data collection. This talk will present a suite of [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Satyaki Chakraborty – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3305

Title: Detecting objects in videos under occlusion   Abstract: While object detection in videos has received a lot of attention in the past few years, most existing methods in this domain do not target detecting objects when they are occluded. However, being able to detect or track an object of interest through occlusion has been [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Junjiao Tian

NSH 4305

Title: Detailed Image Captioning with Hierarchical Attention   Abstract:  Automatic image description is the task of generating a natural sentence which reflects the visual content of an image. A lot of deep learning architectures have been explored in the past few years. While researchers have made great improvement on generating syntactically correct sentences by learning from [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Analysis of Spatio-Temporally Varying Features in Optical Coherence Tomographic (OCT) and Ultrasound (US) Image Sequences

GHC 8102

Abstract: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Ultrasound (US) are non-ionizing and non-invasive imaging modalities that are clinically used to visualize anatomical structures in the body. OCT has been widely adopted in clinical ophthalmology due to its micron-scale resolution to visualize in-vivo structures of the eye. Ultra-High Frequency Ultrasound (UHFUS) captures images of tissue at a [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Karen Orton

GHC 4405

Title:  Inching for Planetary Rovers   Abstract: . Inching, also called push-rolling, is method of moving for vehicles that can change the position of their wheels relative to their body.  Like an inchworm, it is possible to hold some wheels stationary while advancing the others and the body.  In this research a test apparatus capable [...]

Faculty Events

RI Faculty Social

Tazza D'Oro, 3rd floor, Gates and Hillman Centers

All Robotics Institute faculty are invited to attend this informal team-building business/social event. Beverages and snacks will be provided.

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Sha (Yisha) Yi – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Improving Scalability in Multi-Robot Systems with Abstraction and Specialization   Abstract: Planning and controlling multi-robot systems is challenging due to high dimensionality. When the number of robots increases in the system, the complexity of computation grows exponentially. In this thesis, we examine the scalability problem in planning and control of the multi-robot system. We propose [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Andy (Chieh-En) Tsai

NSH 3305

Title: A Generative Approach for Socially Compliant Navigation   Abstract: Robots navigating in human crowds need to optimize their paths not only for the efficiency of their tasks performance but also for the compliance to social norms. One of the key challenges in this context is due to the lack of suitable metrics for evaluating and [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Shubham Agrawal – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: 3D Face Geometry Capture Using Monocular Video   Abstract: Accurate reconstruction of facial geometry has been one of the oldest tasks in computer vision. Despite being a long-studied problem, many modern methods fail to reconstruct realistic looking faces or rely on highly constrained environments for capture. High fidelity face reconstructions have so far been [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Tejas Khot – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Unsupervised Learning for 3D Reconstruction and Blocks World Representation Abstract: Recovering the dense 3D structure of a scene from its images has been a long-standing goal in computer vision. Recent years have seen attempts of encoding richer priors into the geometry-based pipelines with the introduction of learning based methods. We argue that the form of 3D [...]

VASC Seminar
Aljosa Osep
M.Sc. Computer Science
RWTH Aachen University, Computer Vision Group

Tracking Beyond Detection

GHC 6501

Abstract:  The majority of existing vision-based methods perform multi-object tracking in the image domain. Yet, in mobile robotics and autonomous driving scenarios, pixel-precise object localization and trajectory estimation in 3D space are of fundamental importance. Furthermore, the leading paradigms for vision-based multi-object tracking and trajectory prediction heavily rely on object detectors and effectively limit tracking [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Yubo Zhang – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: A structured model for action detection   Abstract:  A dominant paradigm for learning-based approaches in computer vision is training generic models, such as ResNet for image recognition, or I3D for video understanding, on large datasets and allowing them to discover the optimal representation for the problem at hand. While this is an obviously attractive approach, [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Nilesh Kulkarni – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Canonical Surface Mapping via Geometric Cycle Consistency   Abstract: We explore the task of Canonical Surface Mapping (CSM).  Specifically, given an image, we learn to map pixels on the object to their corresponding locations on an abstract 3D model of the category. But how do we learn such a mapping? A supervised approach would [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Yufei (Judy) Ye – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3305

Title: Leveraging Structure for Generalization and Prediction in Visual System. Abstract: Our surrounding world is highly structured. Humans have a great capacity of understanding and leveraging those structures to generalize to novel scenarios and to predict the future. The thesis studies how computer vision systems benefit from the similar process -- leveraging inherent structures in [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Dhiraj Gandhi – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Self-Supervised Robot Learning   Abstract: Supervised learning has been used in robotics to solve various tasks like navigation, fine manipulation, etc.  While it has shown a promising result, in most cases the supervision comes from the human agent.  However, relying on human is a huge bottleneck to scale up these approaches.  In this thesis, [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Chia Dai

NSH 4305

Title: Few-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation   Abstract:  Most learning architectures for segmentation task require a significant amount of data and annotations, especially in the task of segmentation, where each pixel is assigned to a class. Few-shot segmentation aims to replace large amount of training data with only a few densely annotated samples. In this talk, [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Subhodeep Mitra – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: A fast algorithm for consecutive ones with applications in item labeling   Abstract: We develop and analyze a general problem in a crowd-sourced setting: users pick a label from a set of candidates for a set of items; the problem is to determine the most likely label for each item, as well as a ranking [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Spatiotemporal Understanding of People Using Scenes, Objects, and Poses

NSH 3305

Abstract: Humans are arguably one of the most important entities that AI systems would need to understand to be useful and ubiquitous. From autonomous cars observing pedestrians to assistive robots helping the elderly, a large part of this understanding is focused on recognizing human actions, and potentially, their intentions. Humans themselves are quite good at [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Aashi Manglik – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 1305

Title: Real-Time Collision Forecasting from Monocular Video   Abstract:  We explore the possibility of using a single monocular camera to forecast the time to collision between a suitcase-shaped robot being pushed by its user and other nearby pedestrians. We develop a purely image-based deep learning approach that directly estimates the time to collision without the need [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Deep Non-Rigid Structure from Motion

NSH 1305

Abstract: Non-Rigid Structure from Motion (NRSfM) refers to the problem of reconstructing cameras and the 3D point cloud of a non-rigid object from a sequence of images with 2D correspondences. Current NRSfM algorithms are mainly limited within two perspectives: (i) the number of images, and (ii) the type of shape variability they can handle. These [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Kevin Christensen – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 1305

*LOCATION CHANGE TO NEWELL SIMON HALL ROOM 1305* Title: Computer Vision for Live Map Updates Abstract: Real-time traffic monitoring has had widespread success via crowd-sourced GPS data.  While drivers benefit from this low-level, low-latency map information, any high-level traffic data such as road closures and accidents currently have very high latency since such systems rely solely [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Weizhao Shao

NSH 4305

Title: Stereo Visual-Inertial-LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping   Abstract: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a fundamental task to mobile and aerial robotics. The goal of SLAM is to utilize onboard sensors for estimating the robot’s trajectory while reconstructing the surrounding environment (map) in real-time. The algorithm should also be able to perform loop closure, such [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Samuel Clarke – MSR Thesis Talk

GHC 4405

Title: Robot Learning for Manipulation of Granular Materials   Abstract: Granular materials are ubiquitous in household and industrial manipulation tasks, but their dynamics are difficult to model analytically or through simulation. During manipulation, they provide rich multimodal sensory feedback. We present a robotic system we constructed for investigating manipulation of granular materials.   We present [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Gengshan Yang – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Volumetric Correspondence Networks for Stereo Matching and Optical Flow Abstract: Many classic tasks in vision, such as the estimation of optical flow or stereo disparities, can be cast as dense correspondence matching. Well-known techniques for doing so make use of a cost volume, which is typically a 3D/4D tensor of match costs between all [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Jack Yang – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3305

Title: Surfel-based RGB-D Reconstruction and SLAM with Global and Local Consistency   Abstract: Achieving high surface reconstruction accuracy in dense mapping has been a desirable target for both robotics and vision communities. In the robotics literature, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems use depth-enabled cameras to reconstruct a dense map of the environment. They leverage [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Kevin Pluckter – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Precision UAV Landing in Unstructured Environments Abstract: The autonomous landing of a drone is an important part of autonomous flight. One way to have a high certainty of safety in landing is to return the drone to the same location it took-off from. Current implementations of the return-to-home functionality fall short when relying solely [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Zimo Li – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Joint Surface Reconstruction from Monocular Vision and LiDAR   Abstract: In recent years, dense reconstruction gains popularity because of its broad applications in inspection, mapping, and planning. Cameras or LiDARs are generally deployed for 3D dense reconstruction. However, current reconstruction pipelines based on cameras or LiDARs have significant limitations in achieving an accurate and [...]

Special Events
Sam Wang
Robotics Software Engineer, DJI

DJI Visit & Demo

Gates Hillman Centers 3rd Floor Patio

Really interested in aerial robotics? You are invited to meet members of the DJI technical team and human resources. This Friday, July 12th, Sam Wang (CMU MRSD '16) Robotics Software Engineer, DJI, will be giving a public demo and short talk. This visit is part of the 3rd annual DJI – CMU RISS aerial robotics [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Bhavan Jasani – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Automatic detection of human affective behavior in dyadic conversations Abstract: Emotion is communicated through face, voice, and body motion in interpersonal contexts. Yet, most approaches to automatic detection emphasize a single modality (especially face or voice), ignore social context, and focus on well-defined signs of emotion (e.g., smile).  This thesis addresses multimodal, interpersonal emotion [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Aaron Roth – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Structured Representations for Behaviors of Autonomous Robots   Abstract: Autonomous robot behavior can be captured in many ways: as code, as modules of code, in an unstructured form such as a neural net, or in one of several more structured formats such as a graph, table, or tree. This talk explores structured representations that [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Travers Rhodes – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Vision and Improved Learned-Trajectory Replay for Assistive-Feeding and Food-Plating Robots   Abstract: Food manipulation offers an interesting frontier for robotics research because of the direct application of this research to real-world problems and the challenges involved in robust manipulation of deformable food items. In this talk, we focus on the challenges associated with robots manipulating [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Kevin Zhang – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3305

Title: Leveraging Multimodal Sensory Data for Robust Cutting   Abstract: Cutting food is a challenging task due to the variety of material properties across food items. In addition, different events occur during the slicing process that need to be monitored and detected for robust execution, such as when a knife has completely cut through a [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal

Sensor Planning for Large Numbers of Robots

NSH 1305

Abstract: Teams of aerial sensing robots can provide valuable situational awareness to first responders during disasters and emergencies by locating victims, mapping environments, identifying hazards, and locating gas sources. While individual sensing tasks may feature a variety of goals, many tasks will be time-sensitive such as after a widespread disaster or due to imminent danger [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Edward Ahn

NSH 4305

Title: Toward Safe Reinforcement Learning in the Real World   Abstract: Control for mobile robots in slippery, rough terrain at high speeds is difficult. One approach to designing controllers for complex, non-uniform dynamics in unstructured environments is to use model-free learning-based methods. However, these methods often lack the necessary notion of safety which is needed [...]

Special Events


3305 Newell-Simon Hall

As part of the RISS-UBTECH Workshop, UBTECH will be doing a Public Demo & Company Overview this Friday. For more information contact: Rachel Burcin or Ziqi Guo

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Courtesy Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Xianyi Cheng

NSH 4305

Title: Data-Efficient Stage Classification and Failure Detection for Robotic Screwdriving   Abstract: Screwdriving is one of the most common assembly methods, yet its full automation is still challenging, especially for small screws. A critical reason is that existing techniques perform poorly in process monitoring and failure prediction. In addition, most solutions are essentially data-driven, thereby [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Wenxuan Zhou – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3305

Title: Environment Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning Abstract: A key challenge in deep reinforcement learning (RL) is environment generalization: a policy trained to solve a task in one environment often fails to solve the same task in a slightly different test environment. In this work, we propose the ``Environment-Probing'' Interaction (EPI) policy, which allows the agent [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Abhijat Biswas – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Human Torso Pose Forecasting for the Real World   Abstract: Anticipatory human intent modeling is important for robots operating alongside humans in dynamic or crowded environments. Humans often telegraph intent through posture cues, such as torso or head cues. In this paper, we describe a computationally lightweight approach to human torso pose recovery and forecasting [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Anjana Kakecochi Nellithimaru – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Object-level visual SLAM for plant modeling   Abstract: A 3D model that can capture the finer details of the plant structure as well as the overall field statistics, plays an important role in automating agriculture. However, modeling and mapping an agricultural field is challenging due to dynamics, illumination conditions and limited texture inherent in an outdoor environment. We propose a pipeline that combines the recent [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Aman Khurana

NSH 4305

Title: Behavior planning at roundabouts   About the talk: Roundabouts or traffic circles represent a significant portion of unsignalized intersections commonly found in urban and rural roads and pose a specific challenge for autonomous or self-driving cars. In this work, we present model-free techniques that allow a self-driving car to navigate a roundabout safely.  We [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Arpita Routray – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Towards retinal membrane peeling with a handheld robotic instrument   Abstract: Vitreoretinal surgery procedures demand high precision and have to be performed with limited visualization and access. One such procedure is membrane peeling, which involves peeling of the 5-10 µm thick internal limiting membrane around macular holes. Using virtual fixtures in conjunction with robotic [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Sumit Kumar

NSH 3305

Title: Spatiotemporal Modeling using Recurrent Neural Processes   Abstract: Spatiotemporal processes, such as temperature in an area, motion of a vehicle, etc., depend on the spatial features of the underlying phenomena as well as time. Developing models that can estimate both mean and uncertainty associated with the prediction is important for building robust systems capable of [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Sudharshan Suresh – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Localization and Active Exploration in Indoor Underwater Environments Abstract: Autonomous underwater vehicles have the potential to inspect and map indoor underwater environments, such as spent nuclear fuel pools and ship ballast tanks. Towards this, the thesis makes contributions in the domains of visual localization and active SLAM for underwater environments. In the first work, [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Cong Li – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 4305

Title: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Robust Simultaneous Localization and Mapping   Abstract:  Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) consists of the estimation of the state of the robot, and the reconstruction of the surrounding environment simultaneously. Over the last few decades, numerous state-of-the-art SLAM algorithms are proposed and frequently utilized in the robotics community. However, a SLAM algorithm [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Naman Gupta

GHC 6501

Title: State Estimation for Legged Robots using Proprioceptive Sensors   Abstract:  Mobile robots need good estimates of their state to perform closed-loop control in structured and unstructured environments. A number of existing algorithms rely on data fusion from multiple sensors to compute these estimates. This work focuses on state estimation using sensors which only measure [...]

VASC Seminar
Yuval Bahat
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Exploiting Deviations from Ideal Visual Recurrence

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Visual repetitions are abundant in our surrounding physical world: small image patches tend to reoccur within a natural image, and across different rescaled versions thereof. Similarly, semantic repetitions appear naturally inside an object class within image datasets, as a result of different views and scales of the same object. We studied deviations from these [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Harjatin Baweja

NSH 1305

Title: Leveraging Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning for contact and non-contact based plant phenotyping.     Abstract:  Effective plant breeding requires scientists to find correspondences between genetic markers and desirable physical traits (phenotypes) of the genotype. Robotics can aid the acceleration of breeding pipeline by facilitating high throughput plant phenotyping. In this thesis we propose [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Suhit Kodgule

Title: Active Sampling for Planetary Rover Exploration Abstract: Planetary Robotics research has expanded beyond simply developing robust navigation strategies for rovers to providing them with the capability of performing intelligent actions so as to develop a better interpretation and understanding of the environment. This will become essential in the future, when rovers explore regions far [...]

VASC Seminar
Shu Kong
PhD Candidate
University of California at Irvine

Attending to Pixels, Embedding Pixels, Predicting Pixels

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Nowadays splashy applications heavily depend on meticulously annotated datasets, data-driven and learning-based methods, among which pixel labeling plays an important role yet often lacks interpretability. In this talk, I will discuss how we deal with pixels with better interpretability. Firstly, I'll introduce the pixel embedding framework that allows for clustering pixels into discrete groups [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Collins – MSR Thesis Talk

NSH 3002

Title:  Efficient Planning for High-Speed MAV Flight in Unknown Environments Using Sparse Topological Graphs   Abstract: Safe high-speed autonomous navigation for MAVs in unknown environments requires fast planning to enable the robot to adapt and react quickly to incoming information about obstacles within the world.  Furthermore, when operating in environments not known a priori, the robot [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk – Siva Chaitanya Mynepalli

Title: Recognizing Tiny Faces Abstract: Objects are naturally captured over a continuous range of distances, causing dramatic changes in appearance, especially at low resolutions. Recognizing such small objects at range is an open challenge in object recognition. In this paper, we explore solutions to this problem by tackling the fine-grained task of face recognition. State-of-the-art embeddings [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Data Centric Robot Learning

NSH 4305

Abstract: While robotics has made tremendous progress over the last few decades, most success stories are still limited to carefully engineered and precisely modeled environments. Getting these robots to work in the complex and diverse world that we live in has proven to be a difficult challenge. Interestingly, one of the most significant successes in [...]

VASC Seminar
Erik Learned-Miller
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Automatically Supervised Learning: Two more steps on a long journey

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: I will talk about two recent pieces of work that attempt to move towards learning with less reliance on labeled data. In the first, part, I will talk about how the surrogate task of predicting the motion of objects can induce complex representations in neural networks without any labeled data.  In the second part of [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Exploiting Point Motion, Shape Deformation, and Semantic Priors for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction in the Wild

NSH 3002

Abstract: With the advent of affordable and high-quality smartphone cameras, any significant events will be massively captured both actively and passively from multiple perspectives. This opens up exciting opportunities for low-cost high-end VFX effects and large scale media analytics. However, automatically organizing large scale visual data and creating a comprehensive 3D scene model is still [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning and Reasoning with Visual Correspondence in Time

NSH 3002

Abstract: There is a famous tale in computer vision: Once, a graduate student asked the famous computer vision scientist Takeo Kanade: "What are the three most important problems in computer vision?" Takeo replied: "Correspondence, correspondence, correspondence!" Indeed, even for the most commonly applied Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets), they are internally learning representations that lead to [...]

VASC Seminar
Francesc Moreno Noguer
Associate Researcher
Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial (Barcelona, Spain)

Geometric Deep Learning for Perceiving and Modeling Humans

GHC 6501

Abstract: Perceiving and modeling shape and appearance of the human body from single images is a severely under-constrained problem that not only requires large volumes of data, but also prior knowledge.  In this talk I will present recent solutions on how deep learning can leverage on geometric reasoning to address tasks like 3D estimation of [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Forecasting and Controlling Behavior by Learning from Visual Data

NSH 4305

Abstract: Achieving a precise predictive understanding of the future is difficult, yet widely studied in the natural sciences. Significant research activity has been dedicated to building testable models of cause and effect. From a certain view, a perfect predictive model of the universe is the “holy grail”; the ultimate goal of science. If we had [...]

VASC Seminar
Wenshuo Wang
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Safe AI Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

Human-Level Learning of Driving Primitives through Bayesian Nonparametric Statistics

Gates-Hillman Center 8102

Abstract: Understanding and imitating human driver behavior has benefited for autonomous driving in terms of perception, control, and decision-making. However, the complexity of multi-vehicle interaction behavior is far messier than human beings can cope with because of the limited prior knowledge and capability of dealing with high-dimensional and large-scale sequential data. In this talk, I [...]

Special Events
U.A. and Helen Whitaker Professor of Robotics
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Town Hall with RI Director and RI Graduate Students

Rashid Auditorium 4401

Dr. Srinivasa Narasimhan, the Interim Director of The Robotics Institute, would like to meet all of RI’s graduate students.  Please join him for a Town Hall meeting at 1pm in Rashid Auditorium on Friday Aug 30!

RI Seminar
Ross Knepper
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, Cornell University

Formalizing Teamwork in Human-Robot Interaction

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Abstract: Robots out in the world today work for people but not with people. Before robots can work closely with ordinary people as part of a human-robot team in a home or office setting, robots need the ability to acquire a new mix of functional and social skills. Working with people requires a shared understanding [...]

VASC Seminar
Hironobu Fujiyoshi
Chubu University (Japan)

Knowledge Transfer Graph for Deep Collaborative Learning

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract:  In this talk I will present our latest research about knowledge transfer graph for Deep Collaborative Learning (DCL), which is a method that incorporates Knowledge Distillation and Deep Mutual Learning. DCL is represented by a directional graph where each model is represented by a node, and the propagation of knowledge from the source node to the [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Steve Chien and Jagriti Agrawal
Senior Research Scientist and Technical Staff
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

AI in Space – From Earth Orbit to Mars and Beyond!

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasing role in our everyday lives and the business marketplace. This trend extends to the space sector, where AI has already shown considerable success and has the potential to revolutionize almost every aspect of space exploration. We first highlight a number of success stories of the tremendous impact of [...]

RI Seminar
Sarah Bergbreiter
Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

Microsystems-inspired robotics

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Abstract: The ability to manufacture micro-scale sensors and actuators has inspired the robotics community for over 30 years. There have been huge success stories; MEMS inertial sensors have enabled an entire market of low-cost, small UAVs. However, the promise of ant-scale robots has largely failed. Ants can move high speeds on surfaces from picnic tables [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Self-Supervised Learning on Mobile Robots Using Acoustics, Vibration, and Visual Models to Build Rich Semantic Terrain Maps

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Humans and robots would benefit from having rich semantic maps of the terrain in which they operate.  Mobile robots equipped with sensors and perception software could build such maps as they navigate through a new environment.  This information could then be used by humans or robots for better localization and path planning, as well [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Resource-Constrained State Estimation with Multi-Modal Sensing

GHC 4405

Abstract: Accurate and reliable state estimation is essential for safe mobile robot operation in real-world environments because ego-motion estimates are required by many critical autonomy functions such as control, planning, and mapping. Computing accurate state estimates depends on the physical characteristics of the environment, the selection of suitable sensors to capture that information, and the [...]

RI Seminar
Aaron Parness
Manager, Robotic Climbers & Grippers Group
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Robotic Grippers for Planetary Applications

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Abstract: The previous generation of NASA missions to the outer solar system discovered salt water oceans on Europa and Enceladus, each with more liquid water than Earth – compelling targets to look for extraterrestrial life. Closer to home, JAXA and NASA have imaged sky-light entrances to lava tube caves on the Moon more than 100 [...]

VASC Seminar
Fuxin Li
Assistant Professor
Oregon State University

Some New Designs of Convolutional and Recurrent Networks

GHC 6501

Abstract: Convolutional networks (CNNs) and recurrent networks have driven the great engineering success of deep learning in recent years. However, as academics, we still wonder whether they are indeed the ultimate models of choice. Especially, CNNs seem unable to characterize predictive uncertainty, and they are highly dependent on small filters on small, rectangular neighborhoods. On [...]

RI Seminar
Tucker Hermans
Assistant Professor
School of Computing, University of Utah

Improving Multi-fingered Robot Manipulation by Unifying Learning and Planning

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Abstract: Multi-fingered hands offer autonomous robots increased dexterity, versatility, and stability over simple two-fingered grippers. Naturally, this increased ability comes with increased complexity in planning and executing manipulation actions. As such, I propose combining model-based planning with learned components to improve over purely data-driven or purely-model based approaches to manipulation. This talk examines multi-fingered autonomous [...]

VASC Seminar
Arthur Szlam
Research Scientist
Facebook AI Research

Language and Interaction in Minecraft

GHC 6501

Abstract:  I will discuss a research program aimed at building a Minecraft assistant, in order to facilitate the study of agents that can complete tasks specified by dialogue, and eventually, to learn from dialogue interactions.  I will describe the tools and platform we have built allowing players to interact with the agents and to record those interactions, and [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Scaling Up Deep Learning with Model and Algorithm Awareness

GHC 4405

Abstract: In recent years, the pace of innovations in the fields of deep learning has accelerated. To cope with the sheer computational complexity of training large ML models on large datasets, researchers in the systems and ML communities have created software systems that parallelize training algorithms over multiple CPUs or GPUs (multi-device parallelism), or even [...]

RI Seminar
Seth Hutchinson
Professor & KUKA Chair for Robotics
School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

Design, Modeling and Control of a Robot Bat: From Bio-inspiration to Engineering Solutions

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe our recent work building a biologically-inspired bat robot. Bats have a complex skeletal morphology, with both ball-and-socket and revolute joints that interconnect the bones and muscles to create a musculoskeletal system with over 40 degrees of freedom, some of which are passive. Replicating this biological system in a [...]

VASC Seminar
Minh Hoai Nguyen
Assistant Professor
Stony Brook University

Attentive Human Action Recognition

Gates-Hillman Center 8102

Abstract:  Enabling computers to recognize human actions in video has the potential to revolutionize many areas that benefit society such as clinical diagnosis, human-computer interaction, and social robotics. Human action recognition, however, is tremendously challenging for computers due to the subtlety of human actions and the complexity of video data. Critical to the success of [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Underwater Localization and Mapping with Imaging Sonar

NSH 3305

Abstract: Acoustic imaging sonars have been used for a variety of tasks intended to increase the autonomous capabilities of underwater vehicles. Among the most critical tasks of any autonomous vehicle are localization and mapping, which are the focus of this work. The difficulties presented by the imaging sonar sensor have led many previous attempts at [...]

RI Seminar
Pieter Abbeel
Director, Berkeley Robot Learning Lab & Co-Director, Berkeley Artificial Intelligence (BAIR) Lab, UC Berkeley

Deep Learning for Robotics

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Programming robots remains notoriously difficult.  Equipping robots with the ability to learn would by-pass the need for what otherwise often ends up being time-consuming task specific programming.  This talk will describe recent progress in deep reinforcement learning (robots learning through their own trial and error), in apprenticeship learning (robots learning from observing people), and [...]

VASC Seminar
Xiaodong Yang
Principle Scientist

Temporal Modeling and Data Synthesis for Visual Understanding

GHC 6501

Abstract: In this talk, I will present two recent pieces of work on leveraging temporal information and synthetic data to enhance video and image understanding. In the first part, I will introduce a progressive learning framework, Spatio-TEmporalProgressive (STEP), for action detection in videos. STEP is able to more effectively make use of longer temporal information, [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Ioannis Pitas
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Multiple Drone Vision and Cinematography

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: The aim of drone cinematography is to develop innovative intelligent single- and multiple-drone platforms for media production to cover outdoor events (e.g., sports) that are typically distributed over large expanses, ranging, for example, from a stadium to an entire city.  The drone or drone team, to be managed by the production director and his/her [...]