Spring 2020 RI Reappointment & Promotion Preview Meeting – For RI Voting Faculty Only
Vision Tool Seminar: Hydra
Abstract: Hydra is an open-source Python framework developed at FAIR that aims to reduce the amount of boilerplate code in research and other complex applications. The key feature is the ability to dynamically create a hierarchical configuration by composition and override it through config files and the command line. The name Hydra comes from its [...]
Building Trust in Real World Applications of Vision Based Machine Learning
Abstract: In all machine learning problems, there is an explicit trade off between cost and benefit. In real world vision problems, this optimization becomes increasingly difficult since those trade offs directly impact technology and product development as well as business strategy. For any successful business case, it is critical that the cost/benefit trade offs in [...]
Tendon Driven Foam Hands
Abstract: There has been great progress in soft robot design, manufacture, and control in recent years, and soft robots are a tool of choice for safe and robust handling of objects in conditions of uncertainty. Still, dexterous in-hand manipulation using soft robots remains a challenge. This talk introduces a novel class of soft robots in [...]
Knowledge Infused Deep Learning
Abstract: This talk is motivated by the following thesis: Background knowledge is key to intelligent decision making. While deep learning methods have made significant strides over the last few years, they often lack the context in which they operate. Knowledge Graphs (and more generally multi-relational graphs) provide a flexible framework to capture and represent knowledge [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Towards a Good Representation For Reinforcement Learning
Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has achieved many successes over the recent years. However, its high sample complexity and the difficulty in specifying a reward function have limited its application. In this talk, I will take a representation learning perspective towards these issues. Is it possible to map from the raw observation, potentially in high dimension, [...]
Yes, That’s a Robot in Your Grocery Store. Now what?
Abstract: Retail stores are becoming ground zero for indoor robotics. Fleet of different robots have to coexist with each others and humans every day, navigating safely, coordinating missions, and interacting appropriately with people, all at large scale. For us roboticists, stores are giant labs where we're learning what doesn't work and iterating. If we get [...]
Learning to Reconstruct 3D Humans
Abstract: Recent advances in 2D perception have led to very successful systems, able to estimate the 2D pose of humans with impressive robustness. However, our interactions with the world are fundamentally 3D, so to be able to understand, explain and predict these interactions, it is crucial to reconstruct people in 3D. In this talk, I [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Eye Gaze for Assistive Manipulation
Abstract: Full robot autonomy is the traditional goal of robotics research. To work in a human-inhabited world, however, robots will often need to collaborate with humans. Many scenarios require human users to teleoperate robots to perform tasks, a paradigm that appears everywhere from space exploration, to disaster recovery, to assistive robotics. This collaboration enables tasks [...]
Abstract: Before learning robots can be deployed in the real world, it is critical that probabilistic guarantees can be made about the safety and performance of such systems. In recent years, safe reinforcement learning algorithms have enjoyed success in application areas with high-quality models and plentiful data, but robotics remains a challenging domain for scaling [...]