Carnegie Mellon University
Scaling up Self Supervised Robot Learning
Abstract Robot learning holds promise in alleviating several real world problems, by performing complex behaviors in complex environments. But what is the right way to train these robots? Our methods on self supervision shows encouraging results on several tasks like grasping objects, pushing objects and even flying drones. One key challenge with these methods is [...]
Bayesian Eigenobjects: A Unified Framework for 3D Robot Perception
Abstract: Robot-object interaction requires several key perceptual building blocks including object pose estimation, object classification, and partial-object completion. These tasks form the perceptual foundation for many higher level operations including object manipulation and world-state estimation. Most existing approaches to these problems in the context of 3D robot perception assume an existing database of objects [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Planning for a Small Team of Heterogeneous Robots: from Collaborative Exploration to Collaborative Localization
Abstract: Robots have become increasingly adept at performing a wide variety of tasks in the world. However, many of these tasks can benefit tremendously from having more than a single robot simultaneously working on the problem. Multiple robots can aid in a search and rescue mission each scouting a subsection of the entire area in [...]
Staff Lunch
By Invitation Only - All Robotics Institute administrative support staff are invited to join us for our monthly lunch meeting. Speaker/topic to be announced.
Two Tales about Image Classification
Abstract: This talk tells two tales about image-classification systems, both of which are motivated by the real-world deployment of such systems. The first tale introduces a new convolutional neural network architecture, called multi-scale DenseNets, with the ability to adapt dynamically to computational resource limits at inference time. The network uses progressively growing multi-scale convolutions, dense [...]
Optimizing ankle prostheses to improve walking in transtibial amputees
Abstract: With a prosthetic device, people with a lower limb amputation can remain physically active, but most do not achieve medically recommended physical activity standards and are therefore at a greater risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. Their reduced activity may be attributed to the 10 - 30% increase in energetic cost during walking compared [...]
RoboOrg Post-Seminar Reception
Join us after Deanna Gates' RI Seminar in RoboLounge and adjoining Newell-Simon Hall 1507 to socialise with the speaker and other member's of the RI community. There will be food and drinks for all! PSRs are a good time to let off some steam, meet new people, have engaging conversations, learn new things and most [...]
Dense 3D Shape Reconstruction of Complex Dynamic Scene with a Single Monocular Camera
Abstract: In this talk, I will describe our recent work (presented at ICCV 2017) on monocular camera based 3D geometry reconstruction of a non-rigid dynamic scene. We aim to answer an open question in multi-view geometry, namely, "Is it possible to recover the 3D structure of a complex dynamic environment from two image frames captured by [...]
Learning to Visually Reason
Abstract: Visual reasoning is a core capability of artificial intelligence. It is a necessity for effective communication, planning, and for question/answering tasks. In this talk, I discuss some recent explorations into visual reasoning for question/answering, game playing and dialog. I also describe our new reinforcement learning platform ELF; an Extensive, Lightweight and Flexible research platform [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Data Collection for Screwdriving
Abstract: As the use of robotic manipulation in manufacturing continues to increase, the robustness requirements for fastening operations such as screwdriving increase as well. To investigate the reliability of screwdriving and the diverse failure categories that can arise, we collected a dataset of screwdriving operations and manually classified them into stages and result categories. I [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Dense Planar-Inertial SLAM for Large Indoor 3D Reconstruction
Abstract Reconstructing the dense 3D models of indoor environments in real-time is key to many robotics applications, such as navigation, inspection, and augmented reality. It is also a challenging problem due to the accumulation of drift, large amount of data, limited computation, and occasional lack of visual features. We develop an RGB-D simultaneous localization and [...]