Faculty Events

RI Faculty Social

Tazza D'Oro, 3rd floor, Gates and Hillman Centers

All Robotics Institute faculty are invited to attend this informal team-building business/social event. Beverages and snacks will be provided.

RI Seminar
Consulting Professor
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Social Perception for Machines

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Despite decades of progress, machines remain intelligent tools rather than collaborative partners in individual human enterprise. A key reason is that machine perception of inter-personal communication is largely unsolved and a computationally accessible representation of such behavior remains elusive. In this talk, I will describe our research arc over the past decade at CMU [...]

RI Seminar
Lining Yao
Assistant Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), Carnegie Mellon University

Robotic Morphing Matter

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: Morphing matter harnesses the programmability in material structures and compositions to achieve transformative behaviors and integrates sensing, actuation, and computation to create adaptive and responsive material systems. These material systems can be leveraged to design soft robots, self-assembling furniture,  adaptive fabrics, and self-folding foods. In this talk, Lining presents the recent works in the [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Active SLAM for Real-time Large-scale Indoor Dense 3D Reconstruction

GHC 4405

Abstract: Real-time dense 3D reconstruction of indoor environments has been a popular research field due to its wide application, such as inspection, virtual / augmented reality (VR/AR), and service robotics. While many state-of-the-art algorithms are capable of reconstructing accurate 3D dense models in general indoor scenes, robustness is still an unsolved problem for all of [...]

Faculty Candidate
Yuke Zhu
Ph.D. candidate
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University

Faculty Candidate: Yuke Zhu

Gates Hillman Center 6115

Talk: Closing the perception-action loop Abstract: Robots and autonomous systems have been playing a significant role in the modern economy. Custom-built robots have remarkably improved productivity, operational safety, and product quality. However, these robots are usually programmed for specific tasks in well-controlled environments, unable to perform diverse tasks in the real world. In this talk, I will [...]