RI Seminar
James McBride
Senior Technical Leader – Autonomous Vehicles Research & Advanced Engineering

AI, Robotics, and Autonomous Vehicle Development at Ford Motor Company

Gates 6115

Notice: The Location for these event has changed! The event will now take place in 6115 Gates Hillman Center. Education: Ph.D. in Physics, University of Michigan M.S. in Physics, Michigan State University B.S. in Physics & Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – River Falls Abstract: This presentation will highlight the history of autonomous vehicle development at [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Learning to learn from simulation: Using simulations to expedite learning on robots

GHC 8102

Abstract: Robot controllers, including locomotion controllers, often consist of expert-designed heuristics. These heuristics can be hard to tune, particularly in higher dimensions. It is typical to use simulation to tune or learn these parameters and test on hardware. However, controllers learned in simulation often don't transfer to hardware due to model mismatch. This necessitates controller [...]

VASC Seminar
Yoshinori Dobashi
Associate Professor
Hokkaido University, Japan

Fun with Fluids

GHC 6501

  Abstract: Visual simulation of fluids has become an indispensable tool for computer graphics. Many fluid phenomena can be simulated by solving Navier-Stokes equations. In computer graphics, the NS equations are mostly used for simulating smoke, water and fire. However, it is useful for other different purposes. In this talk, we show our usage of [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Training Strategies for Time Series: Learning for Prediction, Filtering, and Reinforcement Learning

Newell-Simon Hall 3305

Abstract: Data driven approaches to modeling time-series are important in a variety of applications from market prediction in economics to the simulation of robotic systems. However, traditional supervised machine learning techniques designed for i.i.d. data often perform poorly on these sequential problems. This thesis proposes that time series and sequential prediction, whether for forecasting, filtering, [...]

Special Events
Panelists: Eric Fuchs, Mark Kamlet, Justin Laing, Alex Pazuchanics

Panel Discussion: “Robotics, Pittsburgh and the End of Work”

Porter Hall 100

As one of the test sites for Uber’s driverless cars, Pittsburgh is frequently hailed as a city of the future. And indeed, some economists predict that robots will outnumber human workers as early as 2040. At this panel will talk about how we can plan for this seismic change in our economy and way of [...]

Special Events
Kathi Weeks
Professor of Women’s Studies
Duke University

“Love Your Work”

Giant Eagle auditorium, A51 Baker Hall

Kathi Weeks is Professor of Women’s Studies at Duke University and writes about the intersection of feminism and labor. In her talk about anti-work politics in the age of “love your work,” Weeks Livingston argues for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and a future in which we leave the Protestant work ethic behind.

Faculty Events

Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch

Newell-Simon Hall 3305

By Invitation Only - Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch - Please arrive by 11:45AM, talk will begin promptly at 12:00PM.

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Expressive Real-time Intersection Scheduling

Newell Simon Hall 1507

Abstract: Traffic congestion is a major annoyance throughout global metropolitan areas. This talk will present Expressive Real-time Intersection Scheduling (ERIS), a schedule-driven control strategy for adaptive intersection control to reduce traffic congestion. ERIS maintains separate estimates for each lane approaching a traffic intersection allowing it to more accurately estimate the effects of scheduling decisions than [...]

VASC Seminar
Assistant Research Professor
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Challenges Facing Computational Face

GHC 6501

Abstract: Recent advances in computational face research make possible a growing range of scientific, behavioral, and commercial applications. Many companies are focusing on the future of computational face products and services, but number of critical research questions remain to be solved. These include 3D face alignment from 2D image, face analysis under extreme pose variation [...]

RI Seminar
C. Karen Liu
Associate Professor
School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech

Modeling Human Movements for Robotics

NSH 1305

Abstract: Creating realistic virtual humans has traditionally been considered a research problem in Computer Animation primarily for entertainment applications. With the recent breakthrough in collaborative robots and deep reinforcement learning, accurately modeling human movements and behaviors has become a common challenge faced by researchers in robotics, artificial intelligence, as well as Computer Animation. In this [...]

RoboOrg Meta Seminar
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Don’t forget to have fun

1305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract: I like to think that robots should be rational agents, modeled on human behavior. I teach a course about using optimization to plan over time by maximizing utility. I note that a series of Nobel Prizes in Economics, starting with CMU's own AI pioneer Herb Simon and including one to Daniel Kahneman and this [...]

Special Events

RoboOrg Board Games

Newell-Simon Hall 1513

Board game night in RoboLounge with pizza and soda! We will be playing a bunch of games including Settlers of Catan, Codenames, Coup, Reformation and more!

RI Seminar
Dmitry Berenson
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department, University of Michigan

What Matters for Deformable Object Manipulation

NSH 1305

Abstract: Deformable objects such as cables and clothes are ubiquitous in factories, hospitals, and homes. While a great deal of work has investigated the manipulation of rigid objects in these settings, manipulation of deformable objects remains under-explored. The problem is indeed challenging, as these objects are not straightforward to model and have infinite-dimensional configuration spaces, [...]

Special Events

RoboOrg FIFA 17 Tournament

Newell-Simon Hall 1513

Kicking off (pun intended) RoboOrg video game tournaments with FIFA 17, food and sodas! Sign up at this link or just show up the day of. Bring a healthy competitive spirit because we have some serious players!

PhD Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Scaling up Self Supervised Robot Learning

Newell Simon Hall 1507

Abstract Robot learning holds promise in alleviating several real world problems, by performing complex behaviors in complex environments. But what is the right way to train these robots? Our methods on self supervision shows encouraging results on several tasks like grasping objects, pushing objects and even flying drones. One key challenge with these methods is [...]

VASC Seminar
Ben Burchfiel
PhD Candidate

Bayesian Eigenobjects: A Unified Framework for 3D Robot Perception

GHC 6501

  Abstract: Robot-object interaction requires several key perceptual building blocks including object pose estimation, object classification, and partial-object completion. These tasks form the perceptual foundation for many higher level operations including object manipulation and world-state estimation. Most existing approaches to these problems in the context of 3D robot perception assume an existing database of objects [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning for a Small Team of Heterogeneous Robots: from Collaborative Exploration to Collaborative Localization

GHC 6501

Abstract: Robots have become increasingly adept at performing a wide variety of tasks in the world. However, many of these tasks can benefit tremendously from having more than a single robot simultaneously working on the problem. Multiple robots can aid in a search and rescue mission each scouting a subsection of the entire area in [...]

Staff Events

Staff Lunch

Newell-Simon Hall 3305

By Invitation Only - All Robotics Institute administrative support staff are invited to join us for our monthly lunch meeting. Speaker/topic to be announced.