Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Rohit Garg
Title: Coordinated Aerial Exploration of Subterranean Voids Abstract: Subterranean exploration has been thrust into the spotlight by the recent DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Teams are tasked with developing a multi-agent system that can rapidly navigate through unknown underground environments while sending back maps and other semantic information. A system with such capabilities has a wide [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Harvey Shi
Title: The design of a compact laser scanner and an integrated simulation environment for smart manufacturing Abstract: Advanced manufacturing is on the rise with the notable progress in the additive and hybrid manufacturing field. However, most of the existing solutions are open loop without sensory feedback because of the lack of a small form factor [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Daqian Cheng
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 997 2634 8928 Passcode: 136122 Title: SLAM with Laser Profilers for High Definition Mapping in Confined Spaces Abstract: Three-dimensional reconstruction in confined spaces is important for the manufacturing of aircraft wings, the inspection of narrow pipes, the examination of turbine blades, etc. It is also challenging because confined spaces tend [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Quint Hester
Title: Graph Neural Networks for Wind Farm Yaw Optimization Abstract: In order to mitigate the effects of climate change, it is important to maximize the power output of our wind energy resources. Wind farm control is typically greedy, with all turbines facing directly into the wind. Due to wake interactions, this leads to reductions [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Henry Zhang
Title: On Visual-Aided LiDAR-Inertial Odometry System in Challenging Subterranean Environments Abstract: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is one of the fundamental components for autonomous robotic exploration. The goal of SLAM is to create an accurate map for the environment and provide robust state estimation for planning, control, and perception tasks. However, due to the [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Efficient Robot Decision-Making for Achieving Multiple Independent Tasks
Abstract: We focus on robotics applications where a robot is required to accomplish a set of tasks that are partially observable and evolve independently of each other according to their dynamics. One such domain that we target in this work is decision-making for a robot waiter waiting tables at a restaurant. The robot waiter should [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Ryan Darnley
Title: Communication Network Flow Control With LQR and Factor Graphs Abstract: Advances in the estimation and more recently the controls communities have leveraged the use of factor graphs to overcome problems of scalability and runtime in dynamical systems. In continuation of that work, we look to use factor graphs to perform LQR control on [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Shirsendu Halder
Title: Robust 3D reconstruction in noisy environments Abstract: Automated inspection in industrial manufacturing can minimize the total production cost of a part. Current inspection solutions often involve measuring a part manually, which interrupts the machining process. We present two non-contact real-time systems which integrate visual inspection in-line with CNC (computer numerical control) machines and ensures [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Tejus Gupta
ZOOM Link: Meeting ID: 238 846 5851 Google calendar invite link Title: Adaptive and Efficient Models for Intent Recognition Abstract: Assistive robots should have the ability to understand the intent of humans, predict their behavior, and plan to provide anticipatory assistance in complex real-life environments. In this thesis, we present adaptive and efficient algorithms for recognizing [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Siddharth Agrawal
Title: Learning to Imitate, Adapt and Communicate Abstract: For AI agents to co-exist with humans, they need to be able to learn from us humans, adapt to any perceived changes in our behavior, and communicate in a manner that is easily interpretable. In this work, we investigate the following 3 subproblems: Imitation Learning, Adaptation in Human-Agent [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Danny Vedova
Link: Meeting ID: 928 1020 7130 Passcode: 721620 Title: Design and Analysis of a Control Pipeline for a Manipulator in Space Abstract: Many satellites are rapidly reaching the end of their lifespans, and risk de-orbiting if no action is taken. One common problem satellites face towards the end of their lifespans is that they are running [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Fan Jia
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 979 364 4214 Passcode: 304453 Title: Trust-Aware Behavior Reflection for Robot Swarm Self-Healing Abstract: The deployment of robot swarms is influenced by real-world factors, such as motor issues, sensor failure, and wind disturbances. These factors cause the appearance of faulty robots. In a decentralized swarm, sharing incorrect information from faulty robots will lead to [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
MSR Thesis Talk: Tejas Zodage
Meeting Link: Title: Point Cloud Registration as a Classification Problem Abstract: Point Cloud Registration(PCR) is an important step in fields such as robotic manipulation, augmented and virtual reality, SLAM, etc. In the context of computer vision, registration, in general, refers to the process of aligning data obtained from different frames, and as the [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Decentralized Navigation of Quadrotor Teams in Uncertain Workspaces
Abstract: A fundamental requirement for realizing scalable and responsive real-world multi-robot systems for time-sensitive critical applications such as search and rescue or building clearance is a motion-planning and coordination framework that exhibits three essential properties. The first property is safety that encompasses aspects relating to kinodynamic feasibility and collision-avoidance. The second property is reliability that [...]
Control of Robots with Nonstationary Dynamics
Abstract: Robots can be constructed with fewer resources and less strict constraints than is generally believed. Soft robots can be constructed with very few parts and from a wide variety of materials. This makes them a potentially appealing choice for applications where there are resource constraints on system fabrication. However, soft robot dynamics are difficult [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Bayesian Models for Science-Driven Robotic Exploration
Abstract Planetary rovers allow for science investigations at remote locations. They have traversed many kilometers and made major scientific discoveries. However, rovers spend a considerable amount of time awaiting instructions from mission control. The reason is that they are designed for highly supervised data collection, not for autonomous exploration. The exploration of farther worlds will [...]
Open Challenges in Sign Language Translation & Production
Abstract: Machine translation and computer vision have greatly benefited of the advances in deep learning. The large and diverse amount of textual and visual data have been used to train neural networks whether in a supervised or self-supervised manner. Nevertheless, the convergence of the two field in sign language translation and production is still poses [...]
The Search for Ancient Life on Mars Began with a Safe Landing
Abstract: Prior mars rover missions have all landed in flat and smooth regions, but for the Mars 2020 mission, which is seeking signs of ancient life, this was no longer acceptable. To maximize the variety of rock samples that will eventually be returned to earth for analysis, the Perseverance rover needed to land in a [...]
Meshlet Primitives for Dense RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments
Abstract: Dense RGB-D SLAM has been well established as a method for achieving robust localization while providing high quality dense surface reconstruction. However, despite significant progress, dense RGB-D SLAM has remained difficult to achieve on computationally constrained platforms, such as those used on autonomous aerial vehicles. A significant limiting factor in the current state of [...]
3D Recognition with self-supervised learning and generic architectures
Abstract: Supervised learning relies on manual labeling which scales poorly with the number of tasks and data. Manual labeling is especially cumbersome for 3D recognition tasks such as detection and segmentation and thus most 3D datasets are surprisingly small compared to image or video datasets. 3D recognition methods are also fragmented based on the type [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Heuristics for routing and scheduling of Spatio-temporal type problems in industrial environments
Abstract: Spatio-temporal problems are fairly common in industrial environments. In practice, these problems come with different characteristics and are often very hard to solve optimally. So, practitioners prefer to develop heuristics that exploit mathematical structure specific to the problem for obtaining good performance. In this thesis, we will present work on heuristics for 3 different [...]
Computational Light Transport with Interferometry
Abstract: Optical interferometry is the measurement of small, sub-wavelength distances by exploiting the wave nature of light. Due to its capability to resolve micron-scale displacements, it has found widespread applications in biomedical imaging, industrial fabrication, physics, and astrophysics. In this thesis, we introduce a set of techniques we call computational interferometry, that bring the benefits [...]
Rapid Adaptation for Robot Learning
Abstract: How can we train a robot to generalize to diverse environments? This question underscores the holy grail of robot learning research because it is difficult to supervise an agent for all possible situations it can encounter in the future. We posit that the only way to guarantee such a generalization is to continually learn and [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
3D Reconstruction using Differential Imaging
Abstract: 3D reconstruction has been at the core of many computer vision applications, including autonomous driving, visual inspection in manufacturing, and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). Despite the tremendous progress made over the years, there remain challenging open-research problems. This thesis addresses three such problems in 3D reconstruction. First, we address the problem of defocus [...]
Robotic Cave Exploration for Search, Science, and Survey
Abstract: Robotic cave exploration has the potential to create significant societal impact through facilitating search and rescue, in the fight against antibiotic resistance (science), and via mapping (survey). But many state-of-the-art approaches for active perception and autonomy in subterranean environments rely on disparate perceptual pipelines (e.g., pose estimation, occupancy modeling, hazard detection) that process the same underlying sensor data in [...]