2017 Robotics Institute Picnic – location changed to Vietnam Veteran’s Pavilion @ Schenley Park
By Invitation Only - SOCIALIZE, EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY! It's that time of year again and all folks affiliated with the Robotics Institute are invited along with their families to the 2017 Robotics Institute Picnic. Please note our new location, date and time. Due to flooding at RiverPlex that has closed the park for [...]
Sven Koenig: Progress on Multi-Robot Path Finding
Abstract Teams of robots often have to assign target locations among themselves and then plan collision-free paths to their target locations. Examples include autonomous aircraft towing vehicles and automated warehouse systems. For example, in the near future, autonomous aircraft towing vehicles might tow aircraft all the way from the runways to their gates (and vice [...]
Robotics Institute Administrative Support Staff Monthly Lunch Meeting
By Invitation Only - All Robotics Institute administrative support staff are invited to join us for our monthly lunch meeting. Speaker/topic to be announced.
Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch
By Invitation Only - Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch - Please arrive by 11:45AM, talk will begin promptly at 12:00PM.
David Held: Robots Learning to Understand Environmental Changes
Abstract Robots today are typically confined to operate in relatively simple, controlled environments. One reason for these limitation is that current methods for robotic perception and control tend to break down when faced with occlusions, viewpoint changes, poor lighting, unmodeled dynamics, and other challenging but common situations that occur when robots are placed in the [...]
Software Development for Robotic Systems: some ideas about how to improve it
Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Silvio joined the FRC group in 2012 and since then worked with several unmanned ground and aerial vehicles doing a lot of systems integration, testing and performance improvements. Before joining the FRC, he worked for several consumer electronics industries for more than 10 years developing embedded software using both conventional and [...]
Fusion of Cameras and Sparse Ranging Measurements in Multi‐agent SLAM
Abstract Cameras are widely used for localization and navigation in GNSS‐denied environments. By exploiting VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) techniques, vehicles equipped with cameras are capable of estimating their own trajectories and simultaneously building a map of the surrounding environment. In many applications, multiple cooperative robotic agents (robotic swarms) are used in order to [...]
Toward Natural Interactions With Assistive Robots
Abstract Robots can help people live better lives by assisting them with the complex tasks involved in everyday activities. This is especially impactful for people with disabilities, who can benefit from robotic assistance to increase their independence. For example, physically assistive robots can collaborate with people in preparing a meal, enabling people with motor impairments [...]