PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Efficient Interactive Learning with Unobserved Confounders

GHC 6501

Abstract: Interactive learning systems like self-driving cars, recommender systems, and large language model chatbots are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in everyday life. From a machine learning perspective, the key technical challenge underlying such systems is that rather than simple prediction on i.i.d. data, an interactive learner influences the distribution of inputs it sees via the choices [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Reconstructing Non-rigidity from Single Camera

GHC 6501

Abstract: In this talk we will discuss how to infer 3D from images captured by a single camera, without assuming the target scenes / objects being static. The non-static setting makes our problem ill-posed and challenging to solve, but is vital in practical applications where target-of-interest is non-static. To solve ill-posed problems, the current trend [...]

Faculty Events

SCS Master’s Diploma Ceremony followed by Reception

Auditorium, Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum 4141 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Ceremony: 11:30 a.m. Auditorium, Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum 4141 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Reception: Following ceremony Grand Ballroom, Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum 4141 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Faculty Events

SCS PhD Hooding Ceremony followed by Reception

Kresge Theatre, College of Fine Arts

SCS PhD Hooding Ceremony: 11 a.m. Kresge Theatre, College of Fine ArtsReception: Following ceremony Gates Hillman Center, 6th floor

Faculty Events

Commencement Ceremony

Gesling Stadium, CMU’s campus 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

VASC Seminar

Navigating to Objects in the Real World

3305 Newell-Simon Hall

Abstract: Semantic navigation is necessary to deploy mobile robots in uncontrolled environments like our homes, schools, and hospitals. Many learning-based approaches have been proposed in response to the lack of semantic understanding of the classical pipeline for spatial navigation, which builds a geometric map using depth sensors and plans to reach point goals. Broadly, end-to-end [...]

Faculty Events

RI Faculty Social

Newell-Simon Hall 3305

Please join us for our RI Faculty Social. Heavy appetizers and beverages will be served.

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Sarvesh Patil

GHC 6115

Title: Soft Delta Robots for Dexterous Manipulation Abstract: Dexterous manipulation capabilities of end-effectors afford us a wide range of strategies for fine-grained manipulation tasks. Recent utilization of readily available materials like soft filaments and silicone elastomers has enabled the development of low-cost mechanically intelligent robotic manipulators. This is important for democratizing robot manipulation and increasing [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Large Scale Dense 3D Reconstruction via Sparse Representations

NSH 4305

Abstract: Dense 3D scene reconstruction is in high demand today for view synthesis, navigation, and autonomous driving. A practical reconstruction system inputs multi-view scans of the target using RGB-D cameras, LiDARs, or monocular cameras, computes sensor poses, and outputs scene reconstructions. These algorithms are computationally expensive and memory-intensive due to the presence of 3D data. [...]