MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Ravi Tej Akella

NSH 4305

Title: Distributional Distance Classifiers for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Autonomous systems are increasingly being deployed in stochastic real-world environments. Often, these agents are trying to find the shortest path to a commanded goal. But what does it mean to find the shortest path in stochastic environments, where every strategy has a non-zero probability of failing? At [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Seth Karten

NSH 3305

Title: Emergent Communication and Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Teams Abstract: Explicit communication among humans is key to coordinating and learning. In multi-agent reinforcement learning for partially-observable environments, agents may convey information to others via learned communication, allowing the team to complete its task. However, agents need to be able to communicate more than simply referential messages [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Sashank Tirumala

NSH 4305

Title: Tactile Sensing applied to deformable object manipulation Abstract: The application of robotic manipulation of deformable materials, such as cloth, spans various sectors including fabric manufacturing and domestic laundry management. Historically, most methodologies have employed vision-based sensors as the proprioceptive input to robot policies. However, this study aims to explore an alternate route by leveraging [...]

Special Talk
Chris Timperley
Senior System Scientist
Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D), Carnegie Mellon University

Special RI Seminar

NSH 4305

Title: Testing, Analysis, and Specification for Robust and Reliable Robot Software Abstract: Building robust and reliable robotic software is an inherently challenging feat that requires substantial expertise across a variety of disciplines. Despite that, writing robot software has never been easier thanks to software frameworks such as ROS: At its best, ROS allows newcomers to assemble simple, [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Zhizhu Zhao

NSH 1305

Title: Distilling View-conditioned Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction Abstract: We propose a 3D neural mode-seeking formulation that combines probabilistic generation of unseen regions with faithful reprojection of seen regions in a consistent 3D representation. Feature reprojection methods (NerFormer, PixelNeRF) are 3D consistent, but fail to hallucinate unseen regions. Image generation methods (ViewFormer) generate plausible hallucinations, but generated [...]

PhD Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Differentiable Fluid-Structure Interaction for Robotics

GHC 6501

Abstract: We present Aquarium, a differentiable fluid-structure interaction solver for robotics that offers stable simulation, accurately coupled fluid-robot physics in two dimensions, and full differentiability with respect to fluid and robot states and parameters. Aquarium achieves stable simulation with accurate flow physics by directly integrating over the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a fully implicit Crank-Nicolson [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Khiem Vuong

GHC 8102

Title: Scaling up Camera Calibration and Amodal 3D Object Reconstruction for Smart Cities Abstract: Smart cities integrate thousands of outdoor cameras to enhance urban infrastructure, but their automated analysis potential remains untapped due to various challenges. Firstly, the lack of accurate camera calibration information, such as its intrinsics parameters and external orientation, restricts the measurement [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

From Reinforcement Learning to Robot Learning: Leveraging Prior Data and Shared Evaluation

NSH 4305

Abstract: Unlike most machine learning applications, robotics involves physical constraints that make off-the-shelf learning challenging. Difficulties in large-scale data collection and training present a major roadblock to applying today’s data-intensive algorithms. Robot learning has an additional roadblock in evaluation: every physical space is different, making results across labs inconsistent. Two common assumptions of the robot [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
MSR Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Tianyuan Zhang

GHC 6501

Title: Surface Ripples: Analyzing Transient Vibrations on Object's Surfaces Abstract: The subtle vibrations on an object's surface contain information about its physical properties and interaction with the environment.  Prior works imaged surface vibration to recover the object's material properties via modal analysis, which discards the transient vibrations propagating immediately after the object is disturbed. In this [...]

MSR Thesis Defense
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Anurag Ghosh

NSH 1305

Title: Learned Two-Plane Perspective Prior based Image Resampling for Efficient Object Detection Abstract:    Real-time efficient perception is critical for autonomous navigation and city scale sensing. Orthogonal to architectural improvements, streaming perception approaches have exploited adaptive sampling improving real-time detection performance. In this work, we propose a learnable geometry-guided prior that incorporates rough geometry of the [...]