PhD Thesis Proposal
Joydeep Biswas
Carnegie Mellon University

Hybrid Markov / Non-Markov Localization for Long-Term Autonomy of Mobile Robots in Varying Indoor Environments

Event Location: NSH 1109Abstract: There is considerable interest in having robots continue to perform autonomously over time in human environments despite changes in their environment. Most state-of-the-art robot localization and mapping approaches assume that the world can be represented as a static map. However, real human environments are not static - some areas like corridors [...]

RI Seminar
Michael Gazarik

NASA & Robotics: investing in America’s Future

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Dr. Michael Gazarik serves as Associate Administrator of the Space Technology Mission Directorate. As Associate Administrator, he manages and executes the Space Technology programs, focusing on infusion into the Agency’s exploration and science mission needs, proving the capabilities needed by the greater aerospace community, and developing the Nation’s innovation economy. Prior [...]

VASC Seminar
Aswin Sankaranarayanan
Assistant Professor, ECE, CMU

Breaking the resolution limits of sensors: Compressive sensing of high-dimensional visual signals

Event Location: TBABio: Aswin Sankaranarayanan is an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. His research interests lie in the areas of computer vision, signal processing, and image and video acquisition. Prof. Sankaranarayanan received his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 2003 and MSc [...]

RI Seminar
Dan Stilwell
ECE Department, Virginia Tech

Think global, act local: challenges for autonomy in a tropical riverine system

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Dr. Dan Stilwell is a Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. He earned a PhD in electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 1999, the MS from Virginia Tech in 1993, and the BS from the University of Massachusetts in 1991. His [...]

VASC Seminar
David Crandall
Assistant Professor
Indiana University

Studying the world by mining photo-sharing websites

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: David Crandall is an Assistant Professor in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. He received the Ph.D. in computer science from Cornell University (2008) and the M.S. and B.S. degrees in computer science and engineering from the Pennsylvania State University (2001). He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at [...]

RI Seminar
Gregory D. Hager
Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University and the Deputy Director of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer Integr
Johns Hopkins University

Computational Modelling and Enhancement of Human Skill: Toward Effective Human-Machine Collaborative Systems

Event Location: 1305 Newell-Simon HallBio: Gregory D. Hager is a Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University and the Deputy Director of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology. His research interests include time-series analysis of image data, image-guided robotics, medical applications of image analysis and robotics, [...]

VASC Seminar
Noah Snavely
Assistant Professor
Cornell University

Calibrating the World’s Photos with a Massive 3D Database

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Noah Snavely is an assistant professor of Computer Science at Cornell University, where he has been on the faculty since 2009. He received a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Arizona in 2003, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington in [...]

Special Events

2013 National Robotics Week Celebration

Event Location: Carnegie Mellon Main CampusAbstract: The Robotics Institute will celebrate the fourth annual National Robotics Week on April 18 & 19 with lectures, project demonstrations, the annual Mobot (mobile robot) races and a reception for RI affiliated people. April 18 12:00 p.m.: Teruko Yata Memorial Lecture in Robotics Location: Rashid Auditorium, 4401 Gates and [...]