Field Robotics Center Seminar
Andrew Chambers
Masters Student
Field Robotics Center, Robotics Institute, CMU

State Estimation from Visual-Inertial Data in Unstructured Environments

Event Location: GHC2109Bio: Andrew Chambers is a Masters student at the Robotics Institute, advised by Sanjiv Singh. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. Before coming to the RI, he worked as an electrical engineer at iRobot in Boston, MA, where he designed hardware for the bomb disposal robots.Abstract: [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Uland Wong
Carnegie Mellon University

Lumenhancement: Exploiting Appearance for Planetary Modeling

Event Location: NSH 1109Abstract: Planetary environments are among the most hazardous, remote and uncharted in the solar system. They are also critical to the search for life, human exploration, resource extraction, infrastructure and science. These applications represent the prime unexploited opportunity for automated modeling, but robots are under-utilized for this purpose. There is urgent need [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Eakta Jain
Carnegie Mellon University

Attention-guided Algorithms to Retarget and Augment Animations, Stills, and Videos

Event Location: GHC 4301Abstract: Still pictures, animations and videos are used by artists to tell stories visually. Computer graphics algorithms create visual stories too, either automatically, or by assisting artists. Why is it so hard to build algorithms that can manipulate the content created by a visual artist? A primary reason is that artists introspect [...]

VASC Seminar
Jon Barron
PhD Student

Shape, Albedo, and Illumination from Shading

Bio: Jon Barron is 4th year PhD candidate at UC Berkeley, supervised by Jitendra Malik. He is currently a visiting student with MIT's vision group. His research concerns intrinsic images, shape reconstruction, and biomedical imaging. Abstract: Traditional methods for recovering scene properties such as shape, albedo, or illumination rely on multiple observations of the same [...]

RI Seminar
Henry Schneiderman

The Journey from Algorithm to Product

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Dr. Henry Schneiderman co-founded and served as CEO of Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition (PittPatt), a face recognition technology company spun off from Carnegie Mellon in 2004 and acquired by Google in 2011. At Google, he is involved in a variety of computer vision related products and services. In particular, he has helped [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Eric C. Whitman
Carnegie Mellon University

Robust Force-Controlled Walking on the Sarcos Humanoid Robot

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: obust to both external disturbances and modeling error. We describe a walking controller that functions by coordinating multiple low-dimensional optimal controllers. We break a simplified model of the dynamics into several subsystems that have limited interaction. Each of the subsystems are augmented with coordination variables and we use a Dynamic Programming [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Alberto Rodriguez
Carnegie Mellon University

Shape for Contact

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: End effectors play a privileged role in the manipulation chain. They contact the world. That role gives them an advantageous position to convey function and contribute to a solution to the manipulation problem. This thesis proposal explores the problem of designing the shape of a rigid end effector to perform a [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Edward Hsiao
Carnegie Mellon University

Looking Beyond Shape for Instance Recognition of Weakly-Textured Objects

Event Location: NSH 3305Abstract: Object instance detection is a fundamental problem in Computer Vision and has been extensively studied in the past. From a single image, the goal is to detect a specific object from an arbitrary viewpoint in a cluttered environment. While the use of discriminative point-based features such as SIFT works well for [...]

RI Seminar
Ruzena Bajcsy
University of California Berkeley

Active Perception and What Comes After

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Dr. Ruzena Bajcsy (“buy chee”) was appointed Director of CITRIS and professor of EECS department at the University of California, Berkeley on November 1, 2001. Prior to coming to Berkeley, she was Assistant Director of the Computer Information Science and Engineering Directorate (CISE) between December 1, 1998 and September 1, 2001. [...]

VASC Seminar
Ajay Mishra
Research Scientist
Intelligent Automation, Inc.

A Fixation-based Segmentation Framework to Extract Simple Objects from a Scene

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Ajay Mishra is currently working as a Research Scientist at Intelligent Automation Inc, Rockville, Maryland. Prior to this, he was a post-doc/Visiting Researcher working with Prof. Yiannis Aloimonos at the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park since 2007. He obtained his PhD (2011) and B.Tech (2003) degrees, [...]