PhD Thesis Proposal
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Resource-Constrained Learning and Inference for Visual Perception

Abstract: Real-world applications usually require computer vision algorithms to meet certain resource constraints. In this talk, I will present evaluation methods and principled solutions for both training and testing. First, I will talk about a formal setting for studying training under the non-asymptotic, resource-constrained regime, i.e., budgeted training. We analyze the following problem: "given a [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Safe and Resilient Autonomy in Multi-Robot Systems

Abstract: Autonomous systems such as robotic systems are envisioned to co-exist with humans in our daily lives, from household service to large-scale warehouse logistics, agricultural monitoring, and smart city. Reliable interactions among robots and humans require provably correct guarantees about safety and performance when designing robot behaviors. While traditional approaches for safety and performance analysis [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Provably Constant-Time Motion Planning

Abstract: In many robotic applications, including logistics and manufacturing, robots often operate in semi-structured environments and perform highly repetitive manipulation tasks. Additionally, large parts of these environments are static most of the time. Fast and reliable motion planning is one of the key elements that ensure efficient operations in such environments. A very common example [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Postdoctoral Fellow
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Kshitij Goel

Title: Rapid Subsurface Exploration with Multiple Aerial Robots Abstract: This thesis develops a robotic exploration framework that allows for rapid and communication-efficient mapping of unknown environments with a team of aerial robots. Aerial robots can provide rapid and agile mobility in diverse environments where ground mobility is either severely constrained or impossible. However, high-speed flight [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Albert Ye

Title: BusEdge: Efficient Live Video Analytics for Transit Buses via Edge Computing Abstract: Many vehicles like transit buses are now routinely fitted with cameras. These live visual data are invaluable to achieve real-time traffic monitoring, but it is intractable to handle such a gigantic amount of data either locally or in the cloud due to [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Planning to Optimize and Learn Reward in Navigation Tasks in Structured Environments with Time Constraints

Abstract: Planning problems in which an agent must perform tasks for reward by navigating its environment while constrained by time and location have a wide variety of applications in robotics. Many real-world environments in which such planning problems apply, such as office buildings or city streets, are very structured. They consist of passages with notable [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Yunze Man

Title: Multi-Echo 3D Object Detection Abstract: LiDAR sensors can be used to obtain a wide range of measurement signals other than a simple 3D point cloud, and those signals can be leveraged to improve perception tasks like 3D object detection. A single laser pulse can be partially reflected by multiple objects along its path, resulting [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Krishna Uppala – MSR Thesis Talk

Title: Exemplar free video retrieval.   Abstract: Video retrieval of activities has a wide range of applications. In the traditional mode of operation,  a collection of example videos describing the activities are given and the retrieval technique identifies other samples in a dataset that semantically match the examples provided. However, retrieval using a collection of example [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

Ruixuan Liu – MSR Thesis Talk

Title: Data-efficient Behavior Prediction for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration.   Abstract: Predicting human behavior is critical to facilitate safe and efficient human-robot collaboration (HRC). However, human behavior is difficult to predict due to the scarcity of human motion data. This work explores using online adaptation, an online approach, and data augmentation, an offline approach, to deal with the [...]

MSR Speaking Qualifier
PhD Student
Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University

MSR Thesis Talk: Vidhi Jain

Title: Explainability in navigation policies Abstract: Today's autonomous agents have improved performance with learning and planning algorithms, but the applicability of such agents in the human-inhabited world is confined. Humans find it hard to explain the model's decision-making and thus, may not trust it as a teammate. While working with a machine learning model that [...]