PhD Thesis Proposal
Heather L. Jones
Carnegie Mellon University

View Trajectory Planning for Modeling Planetary Features under Transient Illumination

Event Location: GHC 8102Abstract: This research addresses the problem of planning views for modeling large, local, substantially 3D terrain features, such as skylights, at long range from surface rovers. Skylights, which are vertical cave entrances, and other pits have been identified in recent high-resolution images of the Moon and Mars. Planetary pits are interesting scientific [...]

RI Seminar
Sebastian Scherer
Systems Scientist, RI
Carnegie Mellon

Toward Autonomous Rotorcraft

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Sebastian Scherer is a Systems Scientist at the Robotics Institute (RI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). His research focuses on enabling autonomy for unmanned rotorcraft to operate at low altitude in cluttered environments. He and His team have shown the fastest and most tested obstacle avoidance on an Yamaha RMax (2006), [...]

RI Seminar
Christoph Bregler
Professor of Computer Science

Computer Vision for Movie Making and Infographics

Event Location: NSH 1305Bio: Chris Bregler is a Professor of Computer Science at NYU and is also working with Lucasfilm's Advanced Development Group and with Industrial Light & Magic on new vision based tracking systems. Prior to NYU he was on the faculty at Stanford University and worked for several companies including Hewlett Packard, Interval, [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Brian Coltin
Carnegie Mellon University

Multi-agent Pickup and Delivery Planning with Transfers

Event Location: GHC 2109Abstract: In Pickup and Delivery Problems (PDPs), mobile vehicles retrieve and deliver a set of items. The PDP is a well-studied, NP-hard problem. Examples of the PDP include mail and courier services, taxis, ridesharing services, and robots such as our own CoBots and CreBots, which retrieve and deliver items for the occupants [...]

RI Seminar
Michael Abrash
Chief Scientist
Oculus VR

Why Virtual Reality Isn’t the Next Big Platform

Event Location: GHC 6115Bio: Over the last 30 years, Michael has worked at companies that made graphics hardware, computer-based instrumentation, and rendering software, been the GDI lead for the first couple of versions of Windows NT, worked with John Carmack on Quake, worked on Xbox and Xbox 360, written or co-written at least four software [...]

RI Seminar
Dov Katz
Senior Vision Engineer
Oculus VR

Why Virtual Reality Isn’t the Next Big Platform

Event Location: GHC 6115Bio: Dov Katz is leading Oculus VR's computer vision R&D. He is passionate about human and computer perception. His research interest include computer vision, machine learning, and autonomous manipulation. At Oculus, he developed a high precision - low latency optical position tracking system. He is currently engaged in several projects that will [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Nathan A. Wood
Carnegie Mellon University

Mapping & Localizing on the Beating Heart

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: In the United States the annual cost of cardiovascular disease exceeds $475 billion. Medical imaging costs more than $100 billion annually, with cardiovascular imaging representing almost one-third. Any approach that can reduce the need for imaging in cardiovascular care has the potential to provide significant savings. Without direct visualization of the [...]

VASC Seminar
Yair Movshovitz-Attias
PhD Student, Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon

CANCELED – Understanding Cars: Leveraging Real World Knowledge in Computer Vision

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Yair Movshovitz-Attias is a PhD student in the Computer Science Department, advised by Prof. Yaser Sheikh and Prof. Takeo Kanade. His research interests include object detection, image classification and fine-grained recognition. Yair has an MSc in Computer Science and a BSc in Computer Engineering from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He [...]

PhD Thesis Defense
Jiyan Pan
Carnegie Mellon University

Coherent Scene Understanding with 3D Geometric Reasoning

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: When looking at a single 2D image of a scene, humans could effortlessly understand the 3D world behind the scene even though stereo and motion cues are not available. Due to this remarkable human capability, one of the ultimate goals of computer vision is to enable machines to automatically infer the [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Michael L. Phillips
Carnegie Mellon University

Experience Graphs: Leveraging Experience in Planning

Event Location: NSH 1305Abstract: Motion planning is a central problem in robotics and is crucial to finding paths to navigate and manipulate safely and efficiently. Ideally, we want planners which find paths quickly and of good quality. Additionally, planners should generate predictable motions, which are safer when operating in the presence of humans. While the [...]