“Love Your Work”
Kathi Weeks is Professor of Women’s Studies at Duke University and writes about the intersection of feminism and labor. In her talk about anti-work politics in the age of “love your work,” Weeks Livingston argues for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and a future in which we leave the Protestant work ethic behind.
Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch
By Invitation Only - Robotics Institute Faculty Lunch - Please arrive by 11:45AM, talk will begin promptly at 12:00PM.
Carnegie Mellon University
Expressive Real-time Intersection Scheduling
Abstract: Traffic congestion is a major annoyance throughout global metropolitan areas. This talk will present Expressive Real-time Intersection Scheduling (ERIS), a schedule-driven control strategy for adaptive intersection control to reduce traffic congestion. ERIS maintains separate estimates for each lane approaching a traffic intersection allowing it to more accurately estimate the effects of scheduling decisions than [...]
Challenges Facing Computational Face
Abstract: Recent advances in computational face research make possible a growing range of scientific, behavioral, and commercial applications. Many companies are focusing on the future of computational face products and services, but number of critical research questions remain to be solved. These include 3D face alignment from 2D image, face analysis under extreme pose variation [...]
Modeling Human Movements for Robotics
Abstract: Creating realistic virtual humans has traditionally been considered a research problem in Computer Animation primarily for entertainment applications. With the recent breakthrough in collaborative robots and deep reinforcement learning, accurately modeling human movements and behaviors has become a common challenge faced by researchers in robotics, artificial intelligence, as well as Computer Animation. In this [...]
Don’t forget to have fun
Abstract: I like to think that robots should be rational agents, modeled on human behavior. I teach a course about using optimization to plan over time by maximizing utility. I note that a series of Nobel Prizes in Economics, starting with CMU's own AI pioneer Herb Simon and including one to Daniel Kahneman and this [...]
RoboOrg Board Games
Board game night in RoboLounge with pizza and soda! We will be playing a bunch of games including Settlers of Catan, Codenames, Coup, Reformation and more!
What Matters for Deformable Object Manipulation
Abstract: Deformable objects such as cables and clothes are ubiquitous in factories, hospitals, and homes. While a great deal of work has investigated the manipulation of rigid objects in these settings, manipulation of deformable objects remains under-explored. The problem is indeed challenging, as these objects are not straightforward to model and have infinite-dimensional configuration spaces, [...]