Promoting Human Creativity with FRIDA: Framework and Robotics Initiative for Developing Arts
ABSTRACT: FRIDA, a reference to the vibrant painter Frida Kahlo, stands for a Framework and Robotics Initiative for Developing Arts to promote human creativity. FRIDA supports intuitive ways for people to collaboratively create artworks including natural language, images, and sounds. Because FRIDA is for real-world arts, our work is uniquely different from digital art tools [...]
RI Faculty Business Meeting
Meeting for RI Faculty. Discussions include various department topics, policies, and procedures. Generally meets weekly.
Robotic Climbing for Extreme Terrain Exploration
Abstract: Climbing robots can investigate scientifically valuable sites that are inaccessible to conventional rovers due to steep terrain features. Robots equipped with microspine grippers are particularly well-suited to ascending rocky cliff faces, but existing designs are either large and slow, or limited to relatively flat surfaces such as buildings. We have developed a novel free-climbing [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Rohan Zeng
Title: Spectral Unmixing and Mapping of Coral Reef Benthic Cover Abstract: Coral reefs are important to the global ecosystem and the local communities and wildlife that rely on the habitat they create. However, coral reefs are also in critical and rapid decline: reefs have degraded over recent decades and what remains is at increasing risk [...]
Generative modeling: from 3D scenes to fields and manifold
Abstract: In this keynote talk, we delve into some of our progress on generative models that are able to capture the distribution of intricate and realistic 3D scenes and fields. We explore a formulation of generative modeling that optimizes latent representations for disentangling radiance fields and camera poses, enabling both unconditional and conditional generation of 3D [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Ashwin Misra
Title: Learn2Plan: Learning variable ordering heuristics for scalable task planning Abstract: Traditional approaches to planning attempt to transform a system into a goal state by applying specific actions in a specific order. In these methods, there is an exponential search space due to considering many possible actions at every decision point. Hierarchical Task Networks use incremental [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Andrew Jong
Title: Robot Information Gathering for Dynamic Systems in Wildfire Scenarios Abstract: The monitoring of complex dynamic systems, such as those encountered in disaster response, search and rescue, wildlife conservation, and environmental monitoring, presents the fundamental challenge of how to track efficiently with limited resources and partial observability. This thesis presents algorithms and techniques for robotic [...]
Carnegie Mellon University
Visual Dataset Pipeline: From Curation to Long-Tail Learning
Abstract: Computer vision models have proven to be tremendously capable of recognizing and detecting several real-world objects: cars, people, pets. These models are only possible due to a meticulous pipeline where a task and application is first conceived followed by an appropriate dataset curation that collects and labels all necessary data. Commonly, studies are focused [...]
MSR Thesis Talk: Erin Wong
Title: Edge Detection by Centimeter Scale Low-Cost Mobile Robots Abstract: In Search and Rescue (SaR) efforts after natural disasters like earthquakes, the primary focus is to find and rescue people in building rubble. These rescue efforts could put first responders at risk and are slow due to the unstable nature of the environment. Robotic solutions [...]
Multi-Objective Ergodic Search for Dynamic Information Maps
Abstract: Robotic explorers are essential tools for gathering information about regions that are inaccessible to humans. For applications like planetary exploration or search and rescue, robots use prior knowledge about the area to guide their search. Ergodic search methods find trajectories that effectively balance exploring unknown regions and exploiting prior information. In many search based [...]