Field Robotics Center Seminar
Tanmay Kumar Mandal

Real-Time Monitoring and Prediction of the Pilot Vehicle System (PVS) Closed-Loop Stability

Event Location: NSH 1507Bio: Tanmay Kumar Mandal is an Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. candidate in Interactive Robotics Laboratory at West Virginia University. He received his Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 2011. His current research interests are aerial robotics, guidance, navigation, control, and sensor fusion. He has [...]

Ivan Sutherland & Marc Raibert
Visiting Scientist, Portland State University & President, Boston Dynamics

Machines That Walk

Event Location: Rashid Auditorium - 4401 GHCAbstract: Marc Raibert and Ivan Sutherland came to CMU in 1980 to build walking machines. Marc built a machine that balanced on one leg. Having less courage, Ivan built a machine that used six legs to avoid the balance problem. Marc demonstrated that balance is relatively easy and went [...]

Special Events

2016 National Robotics Week Celebration

Event Location: CampusAbstract: The Robotics Institute will celebrate the seventh annual National Robotics Week on April 14 & 15 with lectures, project demonstrations, the annual Mobot (mobile robot) races and a reception for RI affiliated people. April 15 12:00 - 4:00 pm: PUBLIC SPACE ROBOTS Open to the public TANK the roboceptionist Newell-Simon Hall 3rd [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Joseph Amato

Symbiotic Planning for Planetary Exploration

Event Location: GHC 2109Bio: Joseph Amato is a M.S. student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University co-advised by Profs. William "Red" Whittaker and David Wettergreen. He received his B.S. in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2012 and spent two years working for Army Operational Test Command at Ft Hood, Texas, before [...]

VASC Seminar
Jianbo Shi
University of Pennsylvania

Inside-out: First Person Vision for Personalized Intelligence

Event Location: Gates 2109Bio: Jianbo Shi studied Computer Science and Mathematics as an undergraduate at Cornell University where he received his B.A. in 1994. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of California at Berkeley in 1998. He joined The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in 1999 as a research faculty, [...]

PhD Thesis Proposal
Wen-Sheng Chu
Carnegie Mellon University

From Supervised to Unsupervised Facial Action Discovery

Event Location: NSH 1507Abstract: Facial actions speak louder than words. Facial actions can reveal a person's emotion, intention, and physical state; and make possible a range of applications that include market research, human-robot interaction, drowsiness detection, and clinical and developmental psychology research. In this proposal, we investigate both supervised and unsupervised approaches to facial action [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Neal Bhasin

Fuel-Optimal Spacecraft Guidance for Landing in Planetary Pits

Event Location: GHC 2109Bio: Neal Bhasin is a M.S. student in the Robotics Institute advised by Prof. Red Whittaker. Neal received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon in 2015 and has done research in the Planetary Robotics Lab since 2012. He served as team leader on the NASA funded instrument project "Flyover [...]

VASC Seminar
Matthias Niessner
Visiting Assistant Professor

Reconstruction and Understanding of Indoor Environments

Event Location: Gates 8102Bio: Matthias Niessner is a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University. Previous to his appointment at Stanford, he earned his PhD from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany under the supervision of Günther Greiner. His research focuses on different fields of computer graphics and computer vision, including the reconstruction and semantic understanding of [...]

Field Robotics Center Seminar
Tiffany Huang

Acoustic Structure from Motion

Event Location: GHC 2109Bio: Tiffany Huang is a M.S. student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Prof. Michael Kaess. She received her B.S. with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 2014. Her current research focuses on perception and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms for autonomous [...]