Calendar of Events
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PhD Thesis Proposal
Nicholas Gisolfi
Verification and Accreditation of Artificial Intelligence
Abstract: This work involves formally verifying a trained model's adherence to important design specifications for the purpose of model accreditation. Accreditation of a trained model requires enumeration of the explicit operational conditions under which the model is certified to meet all necessary specifications. By verifying model adherence to specifications set by developers, we increase the [...]
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PhD Thesis Proposal
Ankit Bhatia
Direct-drive Hands: Making Robot Hands Transparent and Reactive to Contacts
Abstract: Industrial manipulators and end-effectors are a vital driver of the automation revolution. These robot hands, designed to reject disturbances with stiffness and strength, are inferior to their human counterparts. Human hands are dexterous and nimble effectors capable of a variety of interactions with the environment. Through this thesis we wish to answer a question: [...]
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VASC Seminar
Guoliang Kang
Towards Discriminative and Domain-Invariant Feature Learning
Abstract: Deep neural networks have achieved great success in various visual applications, when trained with large amounts of labeled in-domain data. However, the networks usually suffer from a heavy performance drop on the data whose distribution is quite different from the training one. Domain adaptation methods aim to deal with such performance gap caused by [...]
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Carnegie Mellon University