CMU, Pitt Researchers Compete in Three-Year, $7M DARPA Triage Challenge
Every second matters to emergency medical teams as they approach a mass casualty event and identify who needs immediate treatment. Breakthroughs in medical triage using robotics, artificial intelligence, drones and advanced sensing could save lives by directing medical personnel to people most in need of[...]
Henny Admoni Releases New Children’s Book
From the hallways of hospitals to the farthest reaches of outer space, robots are transforming the way we interact with our world. In her new book “Robots,” Henny Admoni, associate professor at the Robotics Institute, takes young readers on a literary journey through the multiple[...]
Watch Out IKEA: CMU Researchers Eye Knitted Furniture
Yuichi Hirose has a dream — a dream that someday everyone will have access to a machine capable of knitting furniture. This machine wouldn't just knit the furniture's exterior fabric, but would use knitting to fashion solid three-dimensional chairs, tables and other objects. Tired of[...]
Autonomous Aerial Robots Communicate, Prioritize Rooms in Multiroom Exploration
Robotics Institute researchers have developed a new method for autonomous aerial robot exploration and multirobot coordination inside abandoned buildings that could help first responders gather information and make better-informed decisions after a disaster. An estimated 100 earthquakes worldwide cause damage each year. This damage includes[...]
Ji Zhang Receives 2024 Test of Time Award
Carnegie Mellon systems scientist Ji Zhang has received the prestigious Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024 Test of Time Award for his work on LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-Time. RSS introduced the Test of Time Award to acknowledge papers published at least ten[...]
Miller and co-authors receive award at CVPR 2024
Computer science PhD student Bailey Miller and co-authors Hanyu Chen, Alice Lai, and Ioannis Gkioulekas have received an honorable mention for best student paper at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, held in Seattle, Washington. Their paper, titled, “Objects as volumes:[...]