Automated Turf Management - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
Graphical depiction of the Automated Turf Management project
Automated Turf Management
Project Head: Sanjiv Singh

To achieve complete automation on golf courses, we are developing capabilities for:

  • Reliable obstacle detection.
  • Must be able to find obstacles as small as a golf ball, while not generating false positives.
  • Also must detect all true obstacles to keep the vehicle safe.
  • Precise navigation. Must be able to operate with cm level precision to create the cross-hatch patterns seen on premier golf courses.
  • Effective coverage. Must be able to create patterns that cover the entire fairway in an efficient manner.


The key benefits of this technology are

  • reduction in reliance on skilled operators, and
  • expanded hours of golf course availability.

Automated mowing has enormous further commercial potential, since it would be potentially attractive to any lawn owner.


The first approach to obstacle detection is

  • color segmentation, which is the ability to distinguish obstacles based on color. We are developing a method that is robust to changes in color due to shadows and atmospheric conditions.

The second approach we are investigating is

  • stereo based homography, to detect objects which lie above the ground plane.

We are also using a

  • SickTM Laser scanner as a backup detection system, for instances where vision-based methods fail.


  • As of December 2000, we have implemented path tracking and obstacle detection on the mower. We are doing runs of over 1 km in length. The obstacle detection system has been enhanced with the addition of a Sick laser sensor, for use in validating obstacles in situations where vision cannot perform.
  • In August 2000, we held a successful demonstration of this system in which we performed over 50 iterations of our demonstration. Each iteration consisted of mowing six rows, each 10 meters long.

Displaying 1 Publications

Stephan A. Roth and Parag Batavia
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ASABE Automation Technology for Off-Road Equipment Conference, pp. 388 - 397, July, 2002

current head

current staff

current contact

past staff

  • Donald Madden