Autonomous Cargo Trailer Transport System - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
Graphical depiction of the Autonomous Cargo Trailer Transport System project
Autonomous Cargo Trailer Transport System

The Field Robotics Center (FRC) and the Vision and Autonomous Systems Center (VASC) performed an engineering design study for the US Postal Service (USPS) in 1992, in order to develop an automated system for
handling mail trailers at the USPS’s bulk mail centers (BMC). The goal was to devise an automated method, to improve on the current method which uses human-driven spotter-tractors to move hundreds of these mail trailers within a BMC. The study concluded that the best and most economically feasible approach was to automate the existing spotters and to develop a multi-vehicle operational scenario using novel mechanical approaches, planning/control software, and a new
radio-based navigation system to move and dock trailers within the facility.

Displaying 1 Publications

Kerien Fitzpatrick, Martial Hebert, Dean Pomerleau, and Hagen Schempf
Conference Paper, Proceedings of USPS 5th Advanced Technology Conference, December, 1992

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  • Hagen Schempf

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  • Hagen Schempf