Dual-use Mobile Detachable Manipulator - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Dual-use Mobile Detachable Manipulator

Portrait of Dual-use Mobile Detachable Manipulator
This Project is no longer active.

The Dual-Use Mobile Detachable Manipulator, (DM)2 is a mobile manipulator designed to operate in a lunar station scenario. (DM)2 is designed to perform two very different kinds of tasks: exploration on the lunar terrain, and maintenance work in lunar manufacturing plants. Both tasks are essential during the early construction of a lunar station. In order to be able to competently perform both tasks, (DM)2 embodies a modular hardware design – namely a mobile base, and a detachable, symmetric manipulator arm with exchangeable grippers at each end. (DM)2 can work with a number of possibly different arms, each of which may use several kinds of specialized detachable end-effectors. This flexible hardware configuration enables the robot to be useful for many different kinds of operations on a lunar base. In turn, this flexibility of hardware configuration necessitates a software control architecture that is equally flexible – allowing for on-the-fly reconfiguration, and independence of high-level functionality from the details of the current hardware configuration. (DM)2 is designed to perform its tasks either autonomously based on a task model and realtime vision system, or under the supervision of a human operator through a custom realtime teleoperation interface.

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current staff

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past staff

  • Randy Casciola
  • Yangsheng Xu
  • Jie Yang