Palm Pilot Robot Kit - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Palm Pilot Robot Kit

Portrait of Palm Pilot Robot Kit
This Project is no longer active.

Our robot empowers a Palm Pilot to move about and sense the nearby environment. The base uses three “omni-wheels” that allow driving in any direction with independent control of rotation, meaning it moves holonomically in the plane. The base also has three optical range sensors to “see” the nearby environment up to about a meter away.

The software we provide can be compiled on a Windows PC using the free Code Warrior Lite compiler and downloaded to the Palm. The robot can then drive itself around on flat surfaces, using optical range sensors to sense nearby obstacles and walls.

We have just completed an exclusive licensing agreement with Acroname, Inc to sell the PPRK. They are selling a barebones kit with everything in it and they are also selling a pretty impressive fast-build kit that just requires 1 hour and a screwdriver.

current head

current contact

past staff

  • Grigoriy Reshko