Reflective Agents with Distributed Adaptive Reasoning - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
Graphical depiction of the Reflective Agents with Distributed Adaptive Reasoning project
Reflective Agents with Distributed Adaptive Reasoning

Machine learning has been developed to the point where it can perform some truly useful tasks. However, much of the learning technology that’s currently available requires extensive ‘tuning’ in order to work for any particular user, in the context of any particular task.

The focus of the RADAR project is to build a cognitive assistant that embodies machine learning technology that is able to function “in the wild” — by this, we mean that the technology need not be tuned by experts, and that the person using the system that embodies the technology need not be trained in any special way.

Using the RADAR system itself, in the task for which it is designed, should be enough to allow RADAR to learn to improve performance.

RADAR is a project funded by DARPA and led by SRI International in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, Bitway, Immedius, and Boeing.

For a full list of project personnel, please see the project’s site.

Displaying 7 Publications

Andrew Faulring, Brad A. Myers, Ken Mohnkern, Bradley Schmerl, Aaron Steinfeld, John Zimmerman, Asim Smailagic, Jeffery Hansen, and Daniel Siewiorek
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '10), pp. 61 - 70, February, 2010
Andrew Faulring, Ken Mohnkern, Aaron Steinfeld, and Brad A. Myers
Journal Article, AI Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 74 - 84, October, 2008
Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, Jigar Vora, Aaron Steinfeld, Asim Smailagic, Jeffery Hansen, Daniel Siewiorek, Pete Phadhana-Anake, and Abhishek Shah
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting (HFES '08), pp. 177 - 181, September, 2008
Andrew Faulring, Ken Mohnkern, Aaron Steinfeld, and Brad A. Myers
Workshop Paper, CHI '08 Workshop on Usable Artificial Intelligence, April, 2008
Aaron Steinfeld, S. Rachael Bennett, Kyle Cunningham, Matt Lahut, Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, Django Wexler, Daniel Siewiorek, Jordan Hayes, Paul Cohen, Julie Fitzgerald, Othar Hansson, Mike Pool, and Mark Drummond
Workshop Paper, NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS '07), August, 2007
Aaron Steinfeld, Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, John Zimmerman, S. Rachael Bennett, and Daniel Siewiorek
Workshop Paper, NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS '07), August, 2007
Aaron Steinfeld, Rachael Bennett, Kyle Cunningham, Matt Lahut, Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, Django Wexler, Daniel Siewiorek, Paul Cohen, Julie Fitzgerald, Othar Hansson, Jordan Hayes, Mike Pool, and Mark Drummond
Tech. Report, CMU-CS-06-125, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 2006