SAGE (System for Automated Graphics and Explanation) is a mixed-initiative presentation system that supports visualization creation. Inputs are a characterization of the information to be visualized and a user’s information viewing goals. Design operations include selecting techniques based on expressiveness and effectiveness criteria, and composing and laying out graphics appropriate to information and goals.
We have integrated two tools into SAGE which play mutually supportive roles in design. SageBrush (also called Brush) is a direct manipulation design tool interface in which users specify graphics by constructing sketches from a palette of primitive graphical elements. When users only partially specify a graphic, SAGE completes it automatically, which can eliminate the need for users to perform low-level or repetitive actions such as assigning data attributes to elements of the sketch, or selecting specific graphical properties once objects are specified.
SageBook (also called Book) is an interface that enables people to browse and retrieve previously created pictures and use them to visualize new data. Book supports an approach to design in which people remember and/or examine previous visualizations and use them as a starting point for designing displays of new data, extending and customizing them as needed. A picture found in this way can be modified by someone using Brush before sending it to SAGE.
Our papers
past head
- Steven F Roth
past staff
- James Harrison
- Joseph Mattis