3-D Printed Haptic Devices for Educational Applications - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

3-D Printed Haptic Devices for Educational Applications

M. Orta Martinez, T. K. Morimoto, A. T. Taylor, A. C. Barron, J. D. A. Pultorak, J. Wang, A. Calasanz-Kaiser, R. Lee Davis, P. Bilkstein, and A. M. Okamura
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS '16), pp. 126 - 133, April, 2016


Haptic technology has the potential to expand and transform the ways that students can experience a variety of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics. Designing kinesthetic haptic devices for educational applications is challenging because of the competing objectives of using low-cost components, making the device robust enough to be handled by students, and the desire to render high fidelity haptic virtual environments. In this paper, we present the evolution of a device called "Hapkit": a low cost, one-degree-of-freedom haptic kit that can be assembled by students. From 2013-2015, different versions of Hapkit were used in courses as a tool to teach haptics, physics, and control. These include a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), two undergraduate courses, a graduate course, and a middle school class. Based on our experience using Hapkit in these educational environments, we evolved the design in terms of its structural materials, drive mechanism, and mechatronic components. Our latest design, Hapkit 3.0, includes several features that allow students to manufacture and assemble a robust and high-fidelity haptic device. First, it uses 3-D printed plastic structural material, which allows the design to be built and customized using readily available tools. Second, the design takes into account the limitations of 3-D printing, such as warping during printing and poor tolerances. This is achieved at a materials cost of approximately US $50, which makes it feasible for distribution in classroom and online education settings. The open source design is available at http://hapkit.stanford.edu.


author = {M. Orta Martinez and T. K. Morimoto and A. T. Taylor and A. C. Barron and J. D. A. Pultorak and J. Wang and A. Calasanz-Kaiser and R. Lee Davis and P. Bilkstein and A. M. Okamura},
title = {3-D Printed Haptic Devices for Educational Applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS '16)},
year = {2016},
month = {April},
pages = {126 - 133},