3D mapping, localisation and object retrieval using low cost robotic platforms: A robotic search engine for the real-world
Workshop Paper, RSS '14 Workshop on RGB-D: Advanced Reasoning with Depth Cameras, July, 2014
In this paper we present work in progress on the development of a low-cost autonomous robotic platform that integrates multiple state-of-the-art techniques in RGB-D perception to form a system capable of completing a real-world task in an entirely autonomous fashion. The task we set out to complete is determining the location of a preselected object within the physical world. This experiment requires a robotic framework with a number of capabilities including autonomous exploration, dense real-time localisation and mapping, object detection, path planning and motion control.
@workshop{Whelan-2014-7909,author = {Thomas Whelan and Michael Kaess and Ross Finman and Maurice Fallon and Hordur Johannsson and John J. Leonard and John McDonald},
title = {3D mapping, localisation and object retrieval using low cost robotic platforms: A robotic search engine for the real-world},
booktitle = {Proceedings of RSS '14 Workshop on RGB-D: Advanced Reasoning with Depth Cameras},
year = {2014},
month = {July},
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