4D Forecasting: Sequential Forecasting of 100,000 Points
Workshop Paper, ECCV '20 Workshops, August, 2020
Predicting the future is a crucial first step to effective control. In this work, we study the problem of future prediction of 3D scenes, represented by point clouds captured by a LiDAR sensor, i.e., directly forecasting the evolution of >100,000 points that comprise a complete scene. We term this Sequential Pointcloud Forecasting (SPF). By directly predicting the densest-possible 3D representation of the future, the output contains richer information than output of prior forecasting tasks such as future object trajectories. We design a method, SPFNet, evaluate it on the KITTI and nuScenes datasets, and find that it demonstrates excellent performance on the SPF task. Our project website is at http://www.xinshuoweng.com/projects/SPF2.
@workshop{Weng-2020-124273,author = {Xinshuo Weng and Jianren Wang and Sergey Levine and Kris Kitani and Nicholas Rhinehart},
title = {4D Forecasting: Sequential Forecasting of 100,000 Points},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ECCV '20 Workshops},
year = {2020},
month = {August},
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