A Case-based reasoning approach for synthesis of electromechanical devices using bond graphs - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

A Case-based reasoning approach for synthesis of electromechanical devices using bond graphs

T. N. Madhusudan, Katia Sycara, and Dundee Navin-Chandra
Miscellaneous, 1995


Developing a computational representation for electromechanical devices that supports conceptual synthesis of complex devices from simpler subsystems both in terms of device behavior and form has been of serious interest. Proposed approaches in literature consider either the synthesis of device behavior or only of shape depending on the limitations of the device model and computational approaches used such as rule-based systems, constraint satisfaction, qualitative reasoning and graph grammars. This paper suggests an approach for electromechanical device synthesis based on Bond graph models of devices whereby problems of representational ambiguity and incompleteness are overcome. We describe the utility of bond graphs as a comprehensive device model that enables synthesis of physically feasible devices, integrates parametric information regarding form and materials and provides a convenient link to device validation using simulation. A Case-based design scheme for behavioral synthesis of electro-mechanical systems is described. We illustrate the process of elaboration whereby design cases are retrieved and composed into composite systems with an example. We also suggest how this approach may provide a convenient framework to integrate conceptual, parametric and con guration design in a consistent manner.


author = {T. N. Madhusudan and Katia Sycara and Dundee Navin-Chandra},
title = {A Case-based reasoning approach for synthesis of electromechanical devices using bond graphs},
month = {January},
year = {1995},
keywords = {Bond graphs, Conceptual design, Case-based reasoning},