A computational model of human table tennis for robot application
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Autonome Mobile Systeme (AMS '09), November, 2009
Table tennis is a difficult motor skill which requires all basic components of a general motor skill learning system. In order to get a step closer to such a generic approach to the automatic acquisition and refinement of table tennis, we study table tennis from a human motor control point of view. We make use of the basic models of discrete human movement phases, virtual hitting points, and the operational timing hypothesis. Using these components, we create a computational model which is aimed at reproducing human-like behavior. We verify the functionality of this model in a physically realistic simulation of a Barrett WAM.
@conference{Muelling-2009-107899,author = {Muelling, K. and Peters, J.},
title = {A computational model of human table tennis for robot application},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Autonome Mobile Systeme (AMS '09)},
year = {2009},
month = {November},
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