A method for tracking pose of a mobile robot equipped with a scanning laser range finder - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

A method for tracking pose of a mobile robot equipped with a scanning laser range finder

A. Dubrawski and B. Siemiatkowska
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 2518 - 2523, May, 1998


One of the essential problems in navigation of a mobile robot is to accurately determine its location using data obtained by range sensors. In this paper we present a novel approach to track changes of orientation and position of a robot equipped with a scanning laser range finder and designed to work in partially structured environments. It is shown experimentally on a real robot that the proposed approach is more robust against sensory noise than the method of angle histograms, which is often used to track orientation and position of indoor vehicles equipped with scanning range sensors.


author = {A. Dubrawski and B. Siemiatkowska},
title = {A method for tracking pose of a mobile robot equipped with a scanning laser range finder},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {1998},
month = {May},
volume = {3},
pages = {2518 - 2523},