A Multi-Agent Framework for Modeling Supply Chain Dynamics
Workshop Paper, SIGMAN '96 Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop, pp. 210 - 218, June, 1996
Globalization of economy and increase in customer expectations in terms of cost and services have put a premium on effective supply chain re-engineering. As a result, decision support systems that can facilitate these efforts are in great demand. In this paper, we identify essential elements that are required for modeling supply chains and embed them in a multi-agent framework. Our framework uses simulation analysis and provides a platform for rapidly developing customized decision support tools for different supply chain problems with limited additional effort. A subset of concepts from this framework is being utilized by IBM for making supply chain re-engineering decisions.
@workshop{Swaminathan-1996-14152,author = {J. M. Swaminathan and Stephen Smith and Norman Sadeh-Koniecpol},
title = {A Multi-Agent Framework for Modeling Supply Chain Dynamics},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGMAN '96 Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop},
year = {1996},
month = {June},
pages = {210 - 218},
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