A Multi-Agent System for Programming Robotic Agents by Human Demonstration
Workshop Paper, Proceedings of AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop, August, 1998
This paper explores Gesture-Based Programming as a paradigm for programming robotic agents. Gesture-Based Programming is a form of programming by human demonstration that focuses the development of robotic systems on task experts rather than programming experts. The technique relies on the existence of previously acquired robotic skills (which are called "sensorimotor primitives") which are approximately the robotic equivalent of everyday human experiences. The interpretation of the human's demonstration and subsequent matching to robotic primitives is a qualitative problem that we approach with a community of skilled agents. A simple manipulative task is programmed to demonstrate the system.
@workshop{Voyles-1998-14730,author = {Richard Voyles and Pradeep Khosla},
title = {A Multi-Agent System for Programming Robotic Agents by Human Demonstration},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop},
year = {1998},
month = {August},
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