A Prototype Reading Coach that Listens: Summary of Project LISTEN
Workshop Paper, ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology (HLT '94), pp. 237, March, 1994
What: Project LISTEN is developing a novel weapon against illiteracy: an automated reading coach that displays a story on a computer screen, listens to a child read it aloud, and helps where needed. The coach provides a combination of reading and listening, in which the child reads wherever possible, and the coach helps wherever necessary. We demonstrated a prototype of this coach at the ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology in March 1994. A short video shows the coach in action [1].
@workshop{Hauptmann-1994-13647,author = {A. G. Hauptmann and Jack Mostow and Steven F. Roth and M. Kane and A. Swift},
title = {A Prototype Reading Coach that Listens: Summary of Project LISTEN},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology (HLT '94)},
year = {1994},
month = {March},
editor = {C. Weinstein},
pages = {237},
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