A Robotic Pipe-Asbestos Insulation Removal System
Journal Article, Industrial Robot, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 196 - 204, June, 1998
The BOA (Big-On-Asbestos) system is a mobile pipe- external robotic crawler used to remotely strip and bag asbestos-containing lagging and insulation materials (ACLIM) from various diameter pipes in (primarily) industrial installations. Steam and process lines within the DoE (Department of Energy) weapons complex warrant the use of a remote device due to the high labor costs and high level of radioactive contamination, making manual removal extremely costly and highly inefficient. Currently targeted facilities for demonstration and remediation are Fernald in Ohio and Oak Ridge in Tennessee.
@article{Schempf-1998-14708,author = {Hagen Schempf and E. Mutschler and Brian Chemel and Scott Boehmke and Colin Piepgras and W. Crowley},
title = {A Robotic Pipe-Asbestos Insulation Removal System},
journal = {Industrial Robot},
year = {1998},
month = {June},
volume = {25},
number = {3},
pages = {196 - 204},
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