A Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 358 - 363, June, 1996
The problem of determining feature correspondences across multiple views is considered. The term "true multi-image" matching is introduced to describe techniques that make full and efficient use of the geometric relationships between multiple images and the scene. A true multi-image technique must generalize to any number of images, be of linear algorithmic complexity in the number of images, and use all the images in an equal manner. A new space-sweep approach to true multi-image matching is presented that simultaneously determines 2D feature correspondences and the 3D positions of feature points in the scene. The method is illustrated on a seven-image matching example from the aerial image domain.
Also appeared in Arpa Image Understanding Workshop, Palm Springs, CA, February 1996, pp. 1213-1220.
Also appeared in Arpa Image Understanding Workshop, Palm Springs, CA, February 1996, pp. 1213-1220.
@conference{Collins-1996-14156,author = {Robert Collins},
title = {A Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {1996},
month = {June},
pages = {358 - 363},
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