Accessing Video Contents: Cooperative Approach between Image and Natural Language Processing
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Symposium on Research, Development and Practice in Digital Libraries (ISDL '97), pp. 143 - 150, November, 1997
Digital video libraries become much more important. In achieving them, access and extraction methods of semantic contents of videos are essential technologies. The paper demonstrates the benefits of multi-modal video analysis to extract semantic contents of videos. Two systems, Name-It and Spot-It, are introduced as example systems taking this approach. Name-It detects faces in news vidcos and associates with their names. Spot-It classifics video scgments into several meaningful categories. Their results can enhance performance of both retrieval and presentation for digital video libraries. The successful rcsults demonstrate importance of our approach.
@conference{Kanade-1997-16459,author = {Takeo Kanade and S. Satoh and Y. Nakamura},
title = {Accessing Video Contents: Cooperative Approach between Image and Natural Language Processing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Symposium on Research, Development and Practice in Digital Libraries (ISDL '97)},
year = {1997},
month = {November},
pages = {143 - 150},
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