Adaptive Fuzzy Throttle Control for an All Terrain Vehicle
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC '99), October, 1999
This paper describes an adaptive fuzzy throttle control for an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) powered by an internal combustion engine. The design objective is to provide smooth throttle movement and zero steady-state speed error, and to maintain a selected vehicle speed over varying road slopes for a 2MPH to 30MPH speed range. Using experience and data collected from extensive experiments conducted on the ATV throttle mechanism, an adaptive fuzzy throttle control algorithm is designed. A candidate Lyapunov function is employed in the adaptive law synthesis to ensure convergence. Experimental results are presented showing the effectiveness of the control algorithm at speeds below 2.74MPH (1.2m/s).
@conference{Trebi-Ollennu-1999-15037,author = {Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu and John M. Dolan and Pradeep Khosla},
title = {Adaptive Fuzzy Throttle Control for an All Terrain Vehicle},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC '99)},
year = {1999},
month = {October},
keywords = {fuzzy control, adaptive control, mobile robots, mechatronics},
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