Advanced Interfaces for Vehicle Teleoperation: Collaborative Control, Sensor Fusion Displays, and Remote Driving Tools
Journal Article, Autonomous Robots: Special Issue on Teleoperation Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 77 - 85, July, 2001
We are working to make vehicle teleoperation accessible to all users, novices and experts alike. In our research, we are developing a new control model for teleoperation, sensor-fusion displays and a suite of remote driving tools. Our goal is to build a framework which enables humans and robots to communicate, to exchange ideas and to resolve differences. In short, to develop systems in which humans and robots work together and jointly solve problems.
@article{Fong-2001-8273,author = {Terrence W. Fong and Chuck Thorpe and Charles Baur},
title = {Advanced Interfaces for Vehicle Teleoperation: Collaborative Control, Sensor Fusion Displays, and Remote Driving Tools},
journal = {Autonomous Robots: Special Issue on Teleoperation Interfaces},
year = {2001},
month = {July},
volume = {11},
number = {1},
pages = {77 - 85},
keywords = {human robot interaction, mobile robots, multisensor displays, remote driving, vehicle teleoperation},
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