Agent Support for Policy-driven Collaborative Planning in Ad-hoc Teams
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA '09), August, 2009
The creation of joint plans within teams is a complex task, especially if these teams are formed in an ad-hoc fashion with limited co-training. Team members may have to plan their actions in accordance with a set of regulations or mission policies and by observing planning constraints. For ad-hoc teams operating under time-stressed conditions, this is a difficult task. In this paper, we describe how to construct agents that can support teams in their collaborative planning effort. We show how agents can be integrated into the planning and communication activities of human planners. Agents monitor human planners, reason about their actions and advise them on possible violations of mission policies and planning constraints.
@conference{Kollingbaum-2009-10309,author = {Martin Kollingbaum and Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Katia Sycara and Timothy Norman},
title = {Agent Support for Policy-driven Collaborative Planning in Ad-hoc Teams},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA '09)},
year = {2009},
month = {August},
keywords = {autonomous agent, intelligent agent, ad-hoc team, policy, collaborative planning},
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