Algorithmic Quilting Pattern Generation for Pieced Quilts
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 45th Graphics Interface Conference (GI '19), May, 2019
Free-motion quilting patterns are functional and decorative patterns sewn on pieced quilts using a single-line continuous stitch path for each region of the quilt. Seven families of quilting patterns are commonly used by quilters [3]. We present an approach for computationally generating three of these families. The user can control the design for each family based on a set of parameters, including the density and general layout of the pattern as well as the decorative elements. Our algorithm starts by sampling a point set in a designated region, generates a skeleton path over that set, then inserts decorative elements along the skeleton. We provide digital and quilted examples for each type of pattern.
@conference{Li-2019-121967,author = {Yifei Li and David E. Breen and James McCann and Jessica Hodgins},
title = {Algorithmic Quilting Pattern Generation for Pieced Quilts},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 45th Graphics Interface Conference (GI '19)},
year = {2019},
month = {May},
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