An agent architecture for prognostic reasoning assistance
In this paper we describe a software assistant agent that can proactively assist human users situated in a time-constrained environment to perform normative reasoning-reasoning about prohibitions and obligations-so that the user can focus on her planning objectives. In order to provide proactive assistance, the agent must be able to 1) recognize the user's planned activities, 2) reason about potential needs of assistance associated with those predicted activities, and 3) plan to provide appropriate assistance suitable for newly identified user needs. To address these specific requirements, we develop an agent architecture that integrates user intention recognition, normative reasoning over a user's intention, and planning, execution and replanning for assistive actions. This paper presents the agent architecture and discusses practical applications of this approach.
@conference{Oh-2011-7336,author = {Jean Hyaejin Oh and Felipe Meneguzzi and Katia Sycara and Norman S. Kerman},
title = {An agent architecture for prognostic reasoning assistance},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '11)},
year = {2011},
month = {July},
volume = {3},
pages = {2513 - 2518},