An Analysis System for Scenes Containing objects with Substructures
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition (IJCPR '78), pp. 752 - 754, November, 1978
This paper describes a scene analysis system which can perform semantic segmentation of a scene with hierarchical structure. An input color image is first segmented into a structured symbolic description using intensity data. Semantic interpretation is performed on this description. Top-down control and bottom-up control are combined in the framework of semantic region growing. Knowledge is represented as a semantic network in the bottom-up process and in the top-down process as a set of production rules. The system was applied to outdoor scenes.
@conference{Ohta-1978-15587,author = {Y. Ohta and Takeo Kanade and T. Sakai},
title = {An Analysis System for Scenes Containing objects with Substructures},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition (IJCPR '78)},
year = {1978},
month = {November},
pages = {752 - 754},
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