An Empirical Investigation of Brute Force to choose Features, Smoothers and Function Approximators
Journal Article, Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 361 - 379, April, 1995
The generalization error of a function approximator, feature set or smoother can be estimated directly by the leave-one-out cross-validation error. For memory-based methods, this is computationally feasible. We describe an initial version of a general memory-based learning system (GMBL): a large collection of learners brought into a widely applicable machine-learning family. We present ongoing investigations into search algorithms which, given a dataset, nd the family members and features that generalize best. We also describe GMBL's application to two noisy, di cult problems|predicting car engine emissions from pressure waves, and controlling a robot billiards player with redundant state variables.
@article{Moore-1995-16071,author = {Andrew Moore and D. J. Hill and M. P . Johnson},
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Brute Force to choose Features, Smoothers and Function Approximators},
journal = {Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems},
year = {1995},
month = {April},
volume = {3},
pages = {361 - 379},
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